Change a drawing sheet scale

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. On some drawings, changing the sheet scale will produce a small dialog box
    that says:

    Do you want to...
    _ Scale the annotations' position
    _ Scale annotations' text height

    Does anyone know what causes this box? I can start a new test drawing and
    change the scale all I want and not get that message. I can go to some
    existing drawings and get it. Others I do not get that prompt. What is the
    trigger that makes the difference?

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 20, 2007
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    alphawave Guest

    I noticed the same thing yesterday (SWX07 SP4) when I was updating the
    drawing border on 25 drawings - nothing had changed in the drawing,
    the only change was the company's phone number but on some drawings I
    got the prompt - on others I didn't!

    My guess is as good as yours why!

    alphawave, Oct 20, 2007
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    Dale Dunn Guest

    I think this has to do with whether or not there are annotations on the
    Dale Dunn, Oct 20, 2007
  4. One would think so, but my test drawing had dims, weld symbols, notes, &
    stacked balloons. That should have covered the range, I would think.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 20, 2007
  5. Wayne Tiffany

    Dale Dunn Guest

    And they were on the sheet as well as on individual views? I just did a
    quick test, and this seems to be the case.
    Dale Dunn, Oct 20, 2007
  6. Wayne Tiffany

    WT Guest

    I believe you have found it - you have to also have some kind of
    annotation on the sheet as well as in a drawing view. In my previous
    test, I had everything in a view out of habit. If you check the lower
    box to scale the height, it will change the font size of the dims in
    the views as well as the annotations. If you check the upper box, it
    appears to only reposition the annotations that are on the sheet, not
    in a view, but the dims still move as they should. Interesting indeed
    - I'll have to see what 2008 does.

    WT, Oct 20, 2007
  7. Wayne Tiffany

    Anna Wood Guest

    We get the note all the time when I change the sheet scale on our
    drawings. I have two annotations on the face of the drawing not
    attached to a view. Our control stamp and a general note. If the
    notes are on the sheet format the pop-up does not show.

    I think you guys have hit on the reason for this pop-up. What do you
    want to do with the annotations notes not tied to a drawing view is
    the question SW is asking.


    Anna Wood, Oct 20, 2007
  8. True, but it also changes the font size of the dimensions in the drawing
    views. That's what started the investigation this time - we were getting
    some drawings where the dims were the wrong size. Come to find out that the
    user was also clicking the box to scale the annotations' scale.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 21, 2007
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