Chamfer WF2

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by g.ormesher, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. g.ormesher

    g.ormesher Guest


    Problably an easy one but here goes.

    I have a square 21mm with 3mm rounds on the corners at a depth of
    Sitting on top of the square in the middle is a circle,10mm dia, 6mm

    I want a chamfer where the circle meets the square to extent to the
    outer edges
    of the square including the rounds.



    Wildfire 2.0
    g.ormesher, Feb 17, 2005
  2. g.ormesher

    David Janes Guest

    Try sweeping a 45 around the outside edge of the part. The outside edge would be
    the sweep trajectory and the round boss silhouette would be a constraining entity
    in sketcher. If you can't get it to stay 'attached' to the boss or it won't go all
    the way around because of the way Pro/e splits circles, sketch past the boss
    surface and ignore the silhouette.
    David Janes, Feb 17, 2005
  3. g.ormesher

    dakeb Guest

    You need a variable angle chamfer, which means you need a blend.
    dakeb, Feb 17, 2005
  4. g.ormesher

    David Janes Guest

    Or maybe a cut rotated about a circle the size of the middle, round boss. The
    angle would be fixed and the final chamfer shape would resemble a square,
    sharpened pencil with cylindrical, not shaprened, "lead". So many interpretations
    means some ambiguity in the question.
    David Janes, Feb 18, 2005
  5. g.ormesher

    g.ormesher Guest

    I got it to work with a varable section sweep, using where the cylinder
    meets the square as the origin, the outer edge of the square as "chain
    1" then I created a circular datum curve halfway down the cylinder as
    "chain 2".

    I will have a go at the blend.


    g.ormesher, Feb 18, 2005
  6. g.ormesher

    Jeff Howard Guest

    When you try the blend, go to the Control Points tab and manually define a
    set of control points mapping each of the block's rad tangent points to a
    circle quadrant. You should end up with four triangular planar faces and
    four "conic" faces (similar to creating a developable square to round
    Jeff Howard, Feb 18, 2005
  7. g.ormesher

    g.ormesher Guest

    Thanks Jeff, worked great.
    g.ormesher, Feb 21, 2005
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