Cgs and Cgd from the DC simulation

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Xiaofeng Wang, Sep 28, 2003.

  1. Hi, all:

    I am trying to get the Cgs and Cgd of a transistor (the voltages of G
    D S and Bulk are known.) I ran the DC simulation and printed the
    transistor working point. I got Cgs, Csg, Cdg, Cgd, .... Some values
    are even negative.

    I am confused. Can you tell which one is the gate to source


    Best Regards,

    Xiaofeng Wang, Sep 28, 2003
  2. Xiaofeng Wang

    Erik Wanta Guest

    There should be 16 transcapacitances in total, dQi/dVj where i,j can
    be S, G, D or B. If you write these transcapacitances in matrix form,
    the sum over i of dQi/dVj is zero since there's no change in the total
    charge in a device. Also, the sum of j of dQi/dVj is zero since the
    capacitance depends only on voltage difference (if all dVj change by
    delta V, dQi should be zero too). Therefore, by knowing 9 of 16
    transcapacitances, you can always figure out the rest. This
    transcapacitance model is kind of messy for hand calculation and it
    makes more sense to think of Cij = Cji for hand calculation.
    Erik Wanta, Sep 28, 2003
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