Central Texas SolidWorks User Group meeting

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Richard Doyle, Dec 11, 2003.

  1. January 15th, 2004
    Austin, Texas

    Meeting Highlights:
    Frank Akridge - Synergis Technologies
    Synergis Adept 5.1 for SolidWorks gives users the ability to manage design
    files, secure and control access to project data, and track revisions
    throughout a product's lifecycle. Frank will give us a short demo of the
    product and open up the floor to questions.

    SolidWorks Slowdowns and Crashes - IT'S YOUR FAULT
    Inspired by newsgroup regular bob z., we'll take a look at the major causes
    of SolidWorks "crashes" and "slowdowns" and what you can do to prevent them.
    We'll talk about your Hardware/Software setup, Operating Systems, and
    modeling/assembly techniques.

    Tell it to SolidWorks
    Members will create a wish list of features, functionality, and "stuff we'd
    like fixed".

    Please do not hijack this thread. If you would like to include your comments
    in our list, email me directly - I'm not hard to find.

    For more details, see www.ctsug.org

    Richard Doyle
    Richard Doyle, Dec 11, 2003
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