Central MA/Northern CT SWUG Meeting, 9-12-07

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CADgeek, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. CADgeek

    CADgeek Guest

    The CMNC-SWUG Executice Committee, SolidWorks Developers, and the
    SolidWorks Product Definition Team have joined forces to bring you an
    evening that will be the first of its kind for a user group. How many
    times have you asked yourself "why does SolidWorks do that" or "how
    come I cannot do it this way" when using SolidWorks. Now is your
    chance for they will be present to answer those types of questions at
    our meeting. The meeting is not intended to be a "How to" or a
    "complaint session" but a meeting to ask "Why not" or a "How come".

    SolidWorks and the CMNC-SWUG executive team have chosen three topics:

    1. Toolbox
    2. Configurations & Display States
    3. Drawings

    Please take a few minutes to complete an online survey at CMNC-SWUG
    Survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=U94_2fzLHaAFnDmPZGA0aHdw_3d_3d.
    SolidWorks will view and address your questions, comments, and
    thoughts from this survey at the meeting. This survey will also help
    us define and create dialogue for each topic. You may participate in
    our online survey regardless if you plan to attend the meeting.

    We need to announce a caveat about this meeting. We have limited space
    and since our desire is to make the meeting as comfortable as
    possible, we must set a limit of RSVP's. Please note we are also
    extending the invitation to all the New England User Groups leaders so
    they can announce the meeting within their own group. RSVP's will be a
    first come, first serve. If you are on the RSVP list and determine you
    cannot attend, please e-mail or call to inform us.

    The meeting is Wednesday, September 12th @ Morgan Construction, 40
    Crescent Street in Worcester, MA. 01605From 5:30-6:00pm is the meet
    and greet and at 6pm the meeting will commence. A formal agenda will
    be available soon.

    Please RSVP us at with your intentions and as
    usual, feel free to ask us any questions you may have. Our web site
    is at: http://webpages.charter.net/cmnc-swug/welcome.htm.
    CADgeek, Aug 22, 2007
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