cellView Author property?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by wegman.jake, Jun 30, 2006.

  1. wegman.jake

    wegman.jake Guest


    First off, I'm definitely a SKILL newbie, and I haven't explored
    Cadence enough yet to be proficient. I've created symbols that I can
    include in my schematics that use ilLabels to display the cell view
    name, library, and the last time it was modified (cellName, libName,
    instancesLastChanged respectively). I notice that not listed among the
    cellView properties is the author of the schematic or the last person
    to have edited the schematic. Is there a way to access this property
    in an automated way?

    wegman.jake, Jun 30, 2006
  2. Is this what your looking for?


    Bernd Fischer, Jul 3, 2006
  3. wegman.jake

    wegman.jake Guest

    Perfect, thank you Bernd!

    wegman.jake, Jul 5, 2006
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