cell reuse script

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by cadman, May 18, 2009.

  1. cadman

    cadman Guest

    Looking for a SKILL script that will look throughout the hierarchy
    tree to see where that cell is being used within the same library from
    current to bottom as well as current to top. Especially where used in
    different top level designs. Thankyou all in advance for any help in
    this matter.
    David Parmeter
    cadman, May 18, 2009
  2. cadman

    KB.How Guest

    Hi cadman,

    This script will help you to search for thoughout hierarchy for
    particular cell. U can view the report from top to bottom or bottom to
    top as well. This has to use when your top cell view is open in
    active mode.

    How to use:
    HowRepSubCell( "Library" "Cell" "View" ?disp "Bottom to Top")

    procedure( HowRepSubCell(lib cell view @key
    (cvid geGetEditCellView())
    (file "/tmp/sub1.rep")
    (stopLib nil)
    (disp "Top to Bottom")
    let((sub outp subcellList (indent "") (flag nil) numb scc
    (listSoFar '()) (count 0) (subList nil) er banner (rev nil)
    (big 0))

    sub = list(lib cell view)
    outp = outfile(file)

    fprintf(outp "Sub Cell Tree Report\n")
    fprintf(outp "---------------------------\n\n")
    fprintf(outp " Top cell : %s %s %s\n" cvid~>libName
    cvid~>cellName cvid~>viewName)
    fprintf(outp " Cell to find : %s %s %s\n" lib cell view)
    fprintf(outp "*************************************************\n\n")

    subcellList = reverse(HowGetHierList(cvid stopLib))

    foreach(sc subcellList

    ; Get the biggest level number
    if( car(sc) > big then
    big = car(sc)

    ; Trace for sub cell
    if( cadr(sc) == sub then
    flag = t
    numb = car(sc)
    subList = append(subList list(sc))

    ; Store the upper level cell into a list
    when( flag && numb > 0 && numb != car(sc) && numb > car(sc)&& !
    member(cadr(sc) listSoFar)
    subList = append(subList list(sc))
    listSoFar = append(listSoFar cadr(sc))

    if( disp == "Top to Bottom" then
    subList = reverse(subList)
    rev = t

    ; Create indent and write to file
    foreach( ss subList
    indent = ""
    scc = listToVector(cadr(ss))

    if( !rev then
    for(j 1 big-car(ss)
    indent = strcat(indent " ")
    for(j 1 car(ss)
    indent = strcat(indent " ")

    fprintf(outp "%s[%d]:[%s %s %s]\n" indent car(ss) scc[0] scc[1]

    fprintf(outp "\n
    fprintf(outp "Notes: This hierarchy is from %s\n" disp)

    if( plusp(count) then
    er = sprintf(nil "NO [ %s ] cell was found." cell)

    procedure( HowGetHierList(cvid stopLibs)
    let(( (level 1) cellList )
    cellList = list( list(0 list(cvid~>libName cvid~>cellName
    cvid~>viewName)) )
    cellList = HowHierSearch(cvid stopLibs level cellList)

    procedure( HowHierSearch(cvid stopLibs level cellList)
    let(( newCellList )

    newCellList = cellList
    foreach( instMaster setof(im cvid~>instanceMasters !member
    (im~>libName stopLibs))
    when(instMaster~>libName && instMaster~>cellName &&
    newCellList = append1( newCellList
    list(level list(instMaster~>libName
    instMaster~>viewName)) )

    newCellList = HowHierSearch(instMaster stopLibs level+1


    KB.How, May 19, 2009
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