Cell lock script needed.

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by cadman, May 19, 2009.

  1. cadman

    cadman Guest

    This is a case where we would like to lock down a particular cell
    within a design to prevent this from being
    moved accidentally (IE : Padring) during editing the layout in
    Virtuoso XL/LE.
    Thankyou in advance for any help here.
    Dave (cadman)
    cadman, May 19, 2009
  2. cadman

    KB.How Guest

    Hi cadman,

    To lock particular cell in the design, you may set the protection
    This will unable user to select/move/delete the protected objects.

    Please refer to the script below, its written by Andrew Beckett
    ( Great guru )

    /* abProtect.ils

    Author A.D.Beckett
    Group Custom IC (UK), Cadence Design Systems Ltd.
    Language SKILL
    Date Nov 14, 2008
    Modified Nov 19, 2008
    By A.D.Beckett

    Package for implementing a protection mechanism for
    layout. The idea is that you can protect objects, and
    consequently they are then not selectable.

    For example:

    ; initialize the system

    ; protect the selected objects

    ; turn off protection mode so everything is
    ; selectable (t to turn back on)
    abProtect->setOption('protectMode nil)

    ; select all the protected things

    ; unprotect all the selected objects (have
    ; to turn off protect mode first, or use selectProtected)

    ; unprotect everything

    ; protect everything in a named group

    ; hilight the protected objects
    ; and unhilight them

    ; using abSelectObjByName code, prompt user to pick
    ; a figGroup to be protected
    abSelectObjByName('figGroups geGetEditCellView() abProtect-
    ; and to unprotect
    abSelectObjByName('figGroups geGetEditCellView() abProtect-
    ; using an alternative select filter registration
    ; function - e.g. from abLeMultiSelectionFilter.ils
    ; must be done before init. This allows additional filters to be
    ; defined


    SCCS Info: @(#) abProtect.ils 12/02/08.13:05:00 1.4


    (importSkillVar abProtect)
    (setq abProtect
    (let (
    (options (makeTable 'options nil))
    (optionNames '(protectMode
    deselectAfterProtect hilightLPP
    haloPosition haloType haloThickness
    haloTransparency haloDrawStroke
    * *
    * (setOption option value "sg") *
    * *
    * Exported function for setting an option for the protect *
    * package. Needs the name of the option and a value. The *
    * name is checked to ensure it is a valid option name. *
    * *
    (defun setOption (option value "sg")
    (if (memq option optionNames)
    (setarray options option
    (if (listp value) (copy value) value)
    (error "Unrecognised option %L - must be one of %L\n"
    option optionNames)
    ) ; defun setOption
    * *
    * (getOption @optional option) *
    * *
    * Exported function for getting the value of an option or a *
    * list of the legal option names. *
    * *
    (defun getOption (@optional option)
    (if option
    (if (memq option optionNames)
    (arrayref options option)
    (error "Unrecognised option %L - must be one of %L\n"
    option optionNames)
    (sort (copy optionNames) 'alphalessp)
    ) ; defun getOption
    * *
    * (protectSelected [wid]) *
    * *
    * Exported function for protecting the selected figures *
    * in the specified (or current) window. *
    * *
    (defun protectSelected (@optional (wid (hiGetCurrentWindow)))
    (setSGq (geGetSelSet wid) t protected)
    ; Deselect if the preference has been set
    (when (arrayref options 'deselectAfterProtect)
    (geDeselectAll wid)
    ) ; defun protectSelected
    * *
    * (protectGroup name [wid]) *
    * *
    * Exported function to protect a group (figGroup) given *
    * the name. *
    * *
    (defun protectGroup (name @optional (wid (hiGetCurrentWindow)))
    (let (theFigGroup)
    (setq theFigGroup
    (dbGetFigGroupByName (geGetEditCellView wid) name))
    (when theFigGroup
    (putpropq theFigGroup t protected)
    ) ; let
    ) ; defun protectGroup
    * *
    * (unprotectGroup name [wid]) *
    * *
    * Unprotect a group, given its name *
    * *
    (defun unprotectGroup (name @optional (wid (hiGetCurrentWindow)))
    (let (theFigGroup)
    (setq theFigGroup
    (dbGetFigGroupByName (geGetEditCellView wid) name))
    (when theFigGroup
    (dbDeletePropByName theFigGroup "protected")
    ) ; let
    ) ; defun unprotectGroup
    * *
    * (protectObj d_obj) *
    * *
    * Given an object, protect it. *
    * *
    (defun protectObj (obj "d")
    (putpropq obj t protected)
    * *
    * (unprotectObj d_obj) *
    * *
    * Given an object, unprotect it. *
    * *
    (defun unprotectObj (obj "d")
    (dbDeletePropByName obj "protected")
    * *
    * (unprotectSelected [wid]) *
    * *
    * Exported function to unprotect the selected objects. Of *
    * course, you need to select them first, so probably need *
    * to either turn off the protectMode, or select the protected *
    * items using selectProtected() *
    * *
    (defun unprotectSelected (@optional (wid (hiGetCurrentWindow)))
    (foreach fig (geGetSelSet wid)
    (dbDeletePropByName fig "protected")
    t) ; defun unprotectSelected
    * *
    * (operateOnAllObjects cv func) *
    * *
    * Internal function to apply a specified function to all *
    * objects. This avoids having to replicated this iteration *
    * in lots of places. *
    * *
    (defun operateOnAllObjects (cv func)
    (foreach objs
    (getSGq cv shapes)
    (getSGq cv instances)
    (getSGq cv vias)
    (getSGq cv figGroups)
    (getSGq cv mosaics)
    (getSGq cv blockages)
    (getSGq cv rows)
    (getSGq cv markers)
    (getSGq cv areaBoundaries)
    (getSGq cv guides)
    (getSGq cv routes)
    (getSGq cv steiners)
    (list (getq cv prBoundary))
    (list (getq cv snapBoundary))
    (foreach fig objs
    (func fig)
    ) ; defun operateOnAllObjects
    * *
    * (selectProtected [wid]) *
    * *
    * External function to select all the protected objects *
    * *
    (defun selectProtected (@optional (wid (hiGetCurrentWindow)))
    (let (cv (protectMode (arrayref options 'protectMode)))
    (setq cv (geGetEditCellView wid))
    ; Temporarily suspend the protect mode
    (setarray options 'protectMode nil)
    (operateOnAllObjects cv
    (lambda (fig)
    (when (getq fig protected)
    (geSelectFig fig)
    ; And then turn it back on (if on previously)
    (setarray options 'protectMode protectMode)
    ) ; defun selectProtected
    * *
    * (unprotectAll [wid]) *
    * *
    * External function to unprotect everything *
    * *
    (defun unprotectAll (@optional (wid (hiGetCurrentWindow)))
    (let (cv (protectMode (arrayref options 'protectMode)))
    (setq cv (geGetEditCellView wid))
    (setarray options 'protectMode nil)
    (operateOnAllObjects cv
    (lambda (fig)
    (dbDeletePropByName fig "protected")
    (setarray options 'protectMode protectMode)
    ) ; defun unprotectAll
    * *
    * (unhilight [wid]) *
    * *
    * External function to unhilight the protected objects *
    * *
    (defun unhilight (@optional (wid (hiGetCurrentWindow)))
    (let (hs)
    (setq hs (getq wid protectHilightSet))
    (when (geIsValidHilightSet hs) (geDeleteHilightSet hs))
    * *
    * (hilight [wid]) *
    * *
    * External function to hilight (with Halos if desired) the *
    * protected objects *
    * *
    (defun hilight (@optional (wid (hiGetCurrentWindow)))
    (let (hs cv)
    (setq cv (geGetEditCellView wid))
    (setq hs (geCreateHilightSet cv (arrayref options 'hilightLPP)))
    (operateOnAllObjects cv
    (lambda (fig)
    (when (getq fig protected)
    (geAddHilightRectangle hs
    (getq fig bBox))
    (when (and
    (isCallable 'geSetHilightSetHaloParameters)
    (arrayref options 'hilightHalo)
    (arrayref options 'haloPosition)
    (arrayref options 'haloType)
    (arrayref options 'haloThickness)
    (arrayref options 'haloTransparency)
    (arrayref options 'haloDrawStroke)
    (putpropq hs t enable)
    (putpropq wid hs protectHilightSet)
    ) ; defun hilight
    * *
    * (selectFilter fig) *
    * *
    * Function, exported as abProtectSelectFilter, which is *
    * registered as the selection filter function. This is called *
    * for each object to determine whether it is selectable. *
    * *
    (defun selectFilter (fig)
    ((null (arrayref options 'protectMode)) t)
    ((getq fig protected) nil)
    (t t)
    ) ; defun selectFilter
    * *
    * (init) *
    * *
    * Exported function to initialize the protect system. *
    * *
    (defun init ()
    (arrayref options 'regSelectionFilter)
    ) ; defun init
    ; Export the select filter
    (setq abProtectSelectFilter selectFilter)
    ; Defaults
    (setarray options 'protectMode t)
    (setarray options 'hilightLPP '("y0" "drawing"))
    (setarray options 'hilightHalo t)
    (setarray options 'haloPosition "over")
    (setarray options 'haloType "plain")
    (setarray options 'haloThickness "normal")
    (setarray options 'haloTransparency 50)
    (setarray options 'haloDrawStroke t)
    (setarray options 'regSelectionFilter
    ; The DPL containing all the exported functions for the
    ; package
    (list nil
    'setOption setOption
    'getOption getOption
    'protectSelected protectSelected
    'unprotectSelected unprotectSelected
    'selectProtected selectProtected
    'unprotectAll unprotectAll
    'protectGroup protectGroup
    'unprotectGroup unprotectGroup
    'protectObj protectObj
    'unprotectObj unprotectObj
    'hilight hilight
    'unhilight unhilight
    'init init
    ) ; list
    ) ; let
    ) ; setq abProtect

    KB.How, May 20, 2009
  3. cadman

    KB.How Guest

    Hi cadman,

    You are welcome.

    KB.How, May 20, 2009
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