cell conversion scale v7 - v8

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Wal, Oct 20, 2003.

  1. Wal

    Wal Guest

    Hi All,

    We recently converted from v7 to v8 and we converted our cell files. Now the
    cells are coming out at all sorts of scales that appear to factors of 10.

    What's wrong? How can I fix it short of scaling and resaving every cell?

    Dave Dennis
    Wal, Oct 20, 2003
  2. Wal

    Ivo Blaauw Guest

    Hi Dave
    I do not know what is wrong with the scaling of your cells in
    your cell library. But hey, read on.
    I knew this nice mdl called CELLUTIL.MA. I think it is available for
    Select subscribers. Not sure. The thing lets you select cells from the
    current cell library and scale them by the active scale. There's even
    a button to mark all cells in the library for processing.
    You can also copy, list them or plot the cells to your dgn.

    Ivo Blaauw
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    I fixed it right the first time,
    it must have failed for other reasons.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Do not use my e-mail adress or distribute my e-mail
    adress to 3rd party without my explicit permission.
    Ivo Blaauw, Oct 21, 2003
  3. There is a better utility for rescaling Cells available from MicroStation on
    the Web. Look for ScaleModels VBA application. I wrote an article
    explaining it that is posted under utilities.

    mark anderson [Bentley]
    mark anderson, Oct 21, 2003
  4. MicroStation V8 keeps the *working units* for cells and attempts to correct the scale of the cell to account for the working units
    in the DGN file when it is placed. If all of your cells were drawn with the same working units in previous to V8, perhaps the best
    thing to do is to reimport the V7 cell library again and tell it the right units or just uncheck the "Use Units for Conversion"
    toggle if they're not all the same (or if you're not sure what they are). If you don't have "Use Units for Conversion" checked when
    you do the conversion, the cells should behave just like they did in V7.

    To reconvert, just copy the V7 file from the backup and attach again. Even if you didn't intentionally backup your old version,
    MicroStation puts it into the directory specified by the MS_BACKUP configuration variable when upgrading from V7 to V8, with ".V7"
    appended to the original name.

    Alternatively, you could turn off the True Scale toggle in the Place Active Cell tool settings and then it should also go to the
    pre-V8 behavior.

    There is some more information regarding this on our Web site at http://selectservices.bentley.com/technotes/faqs/6230.htm

    BTW, we host and monitor a number of newsgroups for product- and service-related questions just like this. If you haven't yet, you
    should check out http://selectservices.bentley.com/newsgroups/ for more information. HTH

    Phil Chouinard [www.Bentley.com]
    Phil Chouinard [Bentley], Oct 21, 2003
  5. Wal

    Wal Guest

    Where's that specifically? I find it very difficult to find things on the
    Bentley site.

    Dave Dennis
    Wal, Oct 22, 2003
  6. Where's that specifically?


    /Chris Z.

    Chris Zakrewsky, Oct 22, 2003
  7. Wal

    Wal Guest

    thanks Chris. I'll know next time.
    Wal, Oct 23, 2003
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