cdsinit location

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Rick, May 12, 2004.

  1. Rick

    Rick Guest

    Whats the env var to set which cdsinit/cdsenv is read?

    Rick, May 12, 2004
  2. Rick

    Guest Guest

    For .cdsenv it is CDS_LOAD_ENV. There is none for .cdsinit.

    -Pete Zakel

    "Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing."
    Guest, May 13, 2004
  3. DFII .cdsinit search mechanism:

    1. <dfII_install_dir>/tools/dfII/local/.cdsinit
    This is the first place where DFII looks for a .cdsinit file.
    Where local/ is an optional directory.
    This .cdsinit file can be used for a side wide customization.

    2. ./.cdsinit
    The working directory, the directory form where your
    start DFII is the second place where DFII looks for a .cdsinit file.

    3. ~/.cdsinit
    Your $HOME directory is the third place.

    Once DFII has found one .cdsinit the search stops.

    You can customize this is you put the following SKILL code in
    one of the .cdsinit files mentioned above.

    when( isFile( "<Your_Place>/.cdsinit" )
    loadi( "<Your_Place>/.cdsinit" )

    Where <Your_Place> is the directory where you want to
    have your local .cdsinit


    Ist der erste Platz an dem das .cdsinit File gesucht wird,
    wobei das Verzeichnis /local ein optionales Verzeichnis ist.

    2. ./.cdsinit
    Ist der zweite Platz an dem das .cdsinit File gesucht wird,
    das "." Verzeichnis ist das Verzeichnis von dem aus DFII gestartet wird.

    3. ~/.cdsinit
    Ist der dritte Platz an dem das File gesucht wird,
    das $HOME Verzeichnis des Users.

    Das Installatinsverzeichnis <dfII_install_dir> bekommst du mit dem SKILL
    DFII > getInstallPath()
    DFII > ("/cds/sun4v/IC446_hot/tools.sun4v/dfII")
    wobei du dann hier "/cds/sun4v/IC446_hot" "<dfII_install_dir>" entspicht
    oder mit dem UNIX Befehl
    UNIX> which icfb
    UNIX> /cds/sun4v/IC446_hot/tools/dfII/bin/icfb
    wobei du dann hier "/cds/sun4v/IC446_hot" "<dfII_install_dir>" entspricht.

    Jetzt kommt der Trick!!! Sobald das erste .cdsinit gefunden wird
    stoppt der Suchmechanismus, wenn nicht ein kleines bisschen SKILL code den
    Suchmechanismus ueberlistet, was ueblicherweise so ist!!

    if( isFile( "./.cdsinit" ) then
    loadi( "./.cdsinit" )
    if( isFile( "~/.cdsinit" ) then
    loadi( "./.cdsinit" )
    Bernd Fischer, May 13, 2004
  4. Rick

    Erik Wanta Guest

    See cdswhich -all .cdsinit for the list of locations. It will search
    for the .cdsinit based on the directory list in the
    share/cdssetup/setup.loc file.
    Erik Wanta, May 13, 2004
  5. Hi Erik,

    That's all very well, but .cdsinit is not searched for by DFII using the
    setup.loc mechanism. cdswhich doesn't know this - it just looks for any file
    using the setup.loc (aka CSF) mechanism.

    Andrew Beckett, May 13, 2004
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