CDL Import

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Szekit, Oct 29, 2004.

  1. Szekit

    Szekit Guest


    Somebody has done this for me in the past but I didn't pay attention
    on how to do it. Now it's my turn to do it and I am seeking your

    I have a CDL netlist of various standard cells and I need to import it
    for schematic capture and simulation. What is the solution??

    Thank you very much for your assistance!!!!

    Szekit, Oct 29, 2004
  2. Szekit

    Szekit Guest


    I am able to import the CDL netlist into schematics!!

    However, the AS, AD, PS, PD don't get updated!! What can I do? Do I
    need to write my own SKILL? Any easier solution????????????

    Szekit, Oct 29, 2004
  3. Szekit

    Szekit Guest

    Let me elaborate more...

    The AS, AD, PS, PD parameters only get updated when I go into each
    schematic and modify the w parameter. In another words, when I CDL in
    a netlist, AS, AD, PS, and PD are assigned with default parameters. I
    need to modifty the w parameter in order to trigger the CallBack
    function to update the AS, AD, PS, PD parameters. Any ways to do this
    in an automate steps?
    Szekit, Oct 29, 2004
  4. Szekit

    G Vandevalk Guest

    Not sure what you want here.

    When you rad in a CDL netlist, do you have the AS AP PS PD info?
    (i.e. is the source a layout? )
    the proper way is to have the fields populted on Reading them in.

    Note that these parameters are highly dependant on layout topology.

    I have created a set of callbacks that CAN recalculate the areas &
    perimeters of the sources and drains
    based on a parameter (called style , i think )
    The style would have choices like: Nominal, Minimum, Custom.

    When a mosfet was placed in a schematic, the default would be Nominal and
    the S/D sizing numbers would be
    calculated assuming an isolated mosfet, rectangular layout and minimum
    design rules. When a schematic was
    backanotated form an extracted rep, we would set the default to custum and
    read i the measured S/D sizing numbers
    from the extracted rep. If a mosfet was known to be in a series chain, then
    the Minimum number would be uses.

    (i.e. nominal would calculate using the Design Rules for a square contacted
    S/D. Minimum would calculate using 1/2
    of the Minimum Gate spacing.)

    You say that you only trigger the callback by changing W. Sound like Nominal
    values get populated. You could be
    in for a surprise if you rely on these numbers ...

    -- Gerry
    G Vandevalk, Oct 30, 2004
  5. Szekit

    Szekit Guest

    Thanks for your comment.

    I was able to update those parameters at the end with a script I got from my friend.
    Szekit, Nov 2, 2004
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