CDF Problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Guenther Sohler, Jul 8, 2005.

  1. You probably already know, that its very inportant during
    Cadence Composer Design entry, that you check, that the CDF is always
    valid - especially for changing pins after having created the symbol(and
    However - it shouldn't be designers duty always to care to always have
    valid CDF parameters. So there is my question:

    * Is there a way to tell Cadence to automatcally update CDF when pins
    change ?
    * Is there a way to recreate CDF for a specified cellview by script non-
    interactively ?
    I already have a messy solution like
    artSchematicToSymbolTrigger(list(nil 'libName libN
    'cellName cellN
    'viewName "symbol"
    'viewType "schematicSymbol"
    'viewNameSrc viewN
    'viewTypeSrc "schematic"))

    but I dont like it

    does anybody have a better idea/solution ?
    Guenther Sohler, Jul 8, 2005
  2. Use the .cdsenv setting:

    auCore.misc updateCDFtermOrder boolean t

    or the SKILL function:

    envSetVal("auCore.misc" "updateCDFtermOrder" 'boolean t)

    To update the CDF programmatically, do:


    where cellViewId is the database id of the schematic.


    Andrew Beckett, Jul 8, 2005
  3. Guenther Sohler

    Erik Wanta Guest

    See previous post entitled:
    Mismatch Warning in netlist
    Erik Wanta, Jul 10, 2005
  4. Guenther Sohler

    Erik Wanta Guest

    See previous post entitled "Mismatch Warning in netlist".
    Erik Wanta, Jul 10, 2005
  5. Hallo Andrew,

    thank you for your answer.

    Unfortunately it does not work in my place.
    There is just
    *WARNING* envSetVal: could not find tool[.partition] 'auCore.misc'

    whats wrong ?
    Guenther Sohler, Jul 11, 2005
  6. It seems that since IC5141 it is in auCore.misc - previously it was in
    asimenv.misc (it was implemented during the life of IC446, if I remember
    rightly). So try:

    envSetVal("asimenv.misc" "updateCDFtermOrder" 'boolean t)


    Andrew Beckett, Jul 11, 2005
  7. Ok - works reasonable.

    Thanks for your help
    Guenther Sohler, Jul 11, 2005
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