cdb2oa error

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Roger Light, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. Roger Light

    Roger Light Guest


    I've been getting an error whilst converting libraries to IC 5.x (cdb)
    to IC 6.x (openaccess). This post is really just to document it so I can
    look it up when I forget in the future and for anybody else with the
    same problem.

    First off, I have the environment variable "DD_USE_LIBDEFS=NO" set, to
    prevent the generation of lib.defs files in IC6. I've also got a
    temporary directory set for all libraries, as described in caiuser.pdf:

    ASSIGN AllLibs TmpRootDir /my/tmp/path

    Running cdb2oa through virtuoso or with the generated run_cdb2oa.csh
    produces errors that the library I'm trying to convert is attached to a
    technology file that doesn't contain a tech.db, although I can see that
    it does.

    In the working directory, lib.defs has been created and all of the
    libraries have paths that begin with the TmpRootDir set above, so:

    DEFINE TECH_C35B4 /my/tmp/path/TECH_C35B4

    No wonder the tech.db doesn't exist.

    If I remove the lib.def file and comment out the ASSIGN AllLibs line, it
    all works fine.


    Roger Light, Jan 29, 2009
  2. Roger Light wrote, on 01/29/09 17:02:

    I found a similar problem reported, CCR 413973. I believe this was fixed in


    in April 2008.

    I also found another one (564578) which was fixed in IC6.1.2.500.14 at the end
    of July 2008.

    In this second case you need to set the UNIX environment variable
    CDBOA_IGNORE_ALL_ASSIGN (to any value, I think) to tell it to ignore the ASSIGN

    Best Regards,

    Andrew Beckett, Jan 30, 2009
  3. Roger Light

    Roger Light Guest

    I've just got round to trying this again, and setting the
    CDBOA_IGNORE_ALL_ASSIGN variable means it all works fine.


    Roger Light, Feb 10, 2009
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