
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jason Wilder, May 26, 2004.

  1. Jason Wilder

    Jason Wilder Guest

    I think I've seen these before, but it's not coming up in my searches.
    Would someone mind posting a routine that will give me today's date (i.e.
    cdate) as a string (i.e. "5-25-2004" or the like)? I can't seem to find it
    in my inventory of handy routines.

    Jason Wilder, May 26, 2004
  2. Jason Wilder

    Walt Engle Guest

    Cdate as a variable gives the following: 20040525.18353268
    You're probably going to have to invest time in a lsp routine to input it by
    Walt Engle, May 26, 2004
  3. Jason Wilder

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    (setq dateandtime (menucmd "m=$(edtime, $(getvar, date),dd-mon-yy hh:mmam/pm)"))
    OLD-CADaver, May 26, 2004
  4. Jason Wilder

    Jason Wilder Guest

    I know. I had a routine at one time that would break down that sysvar and
    return date/time, but can't find it.

    I'm building a large routine and this is one piece that I'm missing. I was
    hoping someone wouldn't mind sharing their sub routine/function with me. :)
    Jason Wilder, May 26, 2004
  5. Jason Wilder

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Here's one way:

    (setq datst (rtos (getvar "cdate") 2 0))
    (setq date-string
    (substr datst 5 2)
    (substr datst 7 2)
    (substr datst 1 4)

    Jeff Mishler, May 26, 2004
  6. Or:

    Command: (menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,DATE),M-DD-YYYY)")

    R. Robert Bell

    Here's one way:

    R. Robert Bell, May 26, 2004
  7. Jason Wilder

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    Ah what the heck, one more for the road...

    (defun C:CPLOT (/ Tag Yr Mo Da Day Time)

    (setq Tag (rtos (getvar "cdate") 2 6)
    Yr (substr Tag 1 4)
    Mo (substr Tag 5 2)
    Da (substr Tag 7 2)

    ((= Mo "01")(setq plot_Mo "01"))
    ((= Mo "02")(setq plot_Mo "02"))
    ((= Mo "03")(setq plot_Mo "03"))
    ((= Mo "04")(setq plot_Mo "04"))
    ((= Mo "05")(setq plot_Mo "05"))
    ((= Mo "06")(setq plot_Mo "06"))
    ((= Mo "07")(setq plot_Mo "07"))
    ((= Mo "08")(setq plot_Mo "08"))
    ((= Mo "09")(setq plot_Mo "09"))
    ((= Mo "10")(setq plot_Mo "10"))
    ((= Mo "11")(setq plot_Mo "11"))
    ((= Mo "12")(setq plot_Mo "12"))

    ((= Mo "01")(setq Mo "Jan"))
    ((= Mo "02")(setq Mo "Feb"))
    ((= Mo "03")(setq Mo "Mar"))
    ((= Mo "04")(setq Mo "Apr"))
    ((= Mo "05")(setq Mo "May"))
    ((= Mo "06")(setq Mo "Jun"))
    ((= Mo "07")(setq Mo "Jun"))
    ((= Mo "08")(setq Mo "Aug"))
    ((= Mo "09")(setq Mo "Sep"))
    ((= Mo "10")(setq Mo "Oct"))
    ((= Mo "11")(setq Mo "Nov"))
    ((= Mo "12")(setq Mo "Dec"))

    (setq Day "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DDDD)")
    (setq Day (menucmd Day))
    (setq Day (strcase Day))
    ((= Day "MONDAY")(setq plot_Day "Mon"))
    ((= Day "TUESDAY")(setq plot_Day "Tue"))
    ((= Day "WEDNESDAY")(setq plot_Day "Wed"))
    ((= Day "THURSDAY")(setq plot_Day "Thu"))
    ((= Day "FRIDAY")(setq plot_Day "Fri"))
    ((= Day "SATURDAY")(setq plot_Day "Sat"))
    ((= Day "SUNDAY")(setq plot_Day "Sun"))

    (setq time "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),H:MMam/pm)")
    (setq time (menucmd time))

    (setq Log_time (strcat Day ", " Mo " " Da ", " Yr " Time: " time))
    (princ log_time)



    Authorized Developer
    Rudy Tovar, May 26, 2004
  8. Jason Wilder

    Jason Wilder Guest

    Thanks all, appreciate it! Hopefully I'll have an opportunity to return the
    Jason Wilder, May 26, 2004
  9. Jason Wilder

    Dale Fugier Guest

    If you have DOSLib and typed the following on the command line:

    (dos_cdate "%A, %B %d, %Y")

    You'd get the following string:

    "Thursday, March 27, 2004"

    You can download DOSLib free from
    Dale Fugier, May 28, 2004
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