Catia Pros and Cons

Discussion in 'CATIA' started by Ads, May 12, 2005.

  1. Ads

    Ads Guest

    I am a marketing associate with a Cad/Cam company, incharge of selling
    catia. Can someone please provide some information on Pros and cons of
    using Catia vis a vis other softwares like auto cad,UG, Pro e
    Ads, May 12, 2005
  2. Ads

    Cliff Guest

    I think I already see a problem .....
    Cliff, May 12, 2005
  3. I thought Catia was marketed, and sold, exclusivly by IBM ??

    As far as the question, if you have to ask it, your in the wrong line of
    work. Of course, this is just my opinion. It seems most CAD marketing is
    done by people who don't know anything about it. So you might do OK.

    Mark Mossberg, May 12, 2005
  4. Ads

    HumanAmp Guest

    For me ... simply dont know much about it ... except its high end used
    by automotive and aircraft makers who normally employ full time 'catia
    operators' . V5 has a better UI, but many stalwarts stick to V4.

    As a small product design business (who does not use full time cad
    operators - we all do everything, so Cading is only about 40% of our
    time). We have not seriously considered Catia. Like other high end
    systems (eg UG, even ProE) the base module may be affordable but
    everything else, costs even IGES translators cost $$$$$.

    We tried UG some years ago and found it was orientated for full time
    operators - leave it for a month and much re-learning was needed, power
    and complexity has its overheads.

    my 0.01$
    HumanAmp, May 12, 2005
  5. Ads

    Phil Evans Guest

    Catia Pros:

    very powerfull surfacing and sheet metal functions developed for automotive
    and aerospace.

    Catia Cons:

    very expensive when getting more than just the basic package, the software
    is sold in modules that cost as much each as other CAD packages.
    Operators are commanding very high pay rates, hourly charge rates to
    customers are typically 40% higher than other CAD packages.
    Boeing is currently having major problems getting Catia to work efficiently
    within the Enovia PDM system, very slow.
    Phil Evans, May 13, 2005
  6. Ads

    Bo Guest

    Pardon the digression, but it does look like there are glitches with
    all the CAD systems, and SolidWorks isn't alone in its list of things
    on its "To Do List".

    In general, when someone has asked me what CAD package to use, I first
    ask the person to find out what CAD packages his key suppliers use, and
    if selling parts or CAD output work to a manufacturer/s, what CAD
    package those customers use.

    Go with the flow and make life easier if possible.

    I work mostly with small plastic parts, and for me, I want to be able
    to hand off SolidWorks files to a mold shop who uses SolidWorks on a
    daily basis. Very simple really.

    Bo, May 13, 2005
  7. Ads

    Phil Evans Guest

    I would agree, but the poster isnt selling Solidworks or anything else apart
    from Catia, he didnt ask what software package was 'best' for his customers
    as I am sure he will be saying Catia is the 'best'
    Seems he is looking for arguments to state his case, not sure he has one
    though :)
    Phil Evans, May 14, 2005
  8. Ads

    Cliff Guest

    Nothng at all against Catia but I am reminded of ....

    From Mark Twain: "Concerning The Jews", Harper's Magazine, March,

    "All religions issue bibles against him, and say the most injurious
    things about him, but we never hear his side. We have none but the
    evidence for the prosecution, and yet we have rendered the verdict. To
    my mind, this is irregular. It is un-English; it is un-American; it is
    French. Without this precedent Dreyfus could not have been condemned.

    Of course Satan has some kind of a case, it goes without saying. It
    may be a poor one, but that is nothing; that can be said about any of
    us. As soon as I can get at the facts I will undertake his
    rehabilitation myself, if I can find an unpolitic publisher."
    Cliff, May 15, 2005
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