I've worked a lot in plastic part, injection mold and die cast design. Now I'm trying to apply some of this to the sand cast process. I worked with someone recently who has a particular way of doing it which instinctively looks inefficient, but I'm unclear how best to improve it. His process is as follows: - build casting (engineered part) w/o draft - build "template" (casting with core areas filled in) - build "core template" (modeling empty space in casting) - build "pattern" by cutting casting at the PL - add draft here - build core patterns to make cores - create halves of cast from drafted patterns - assemble halves of cast and cores - create a test part from halves of cast and cores - compare test part to original cast part design Intuitively, I want to start with a casting that has the draft on it, and create the halves of the cast and the cores from there, then make the patterns from that. Basically I'm trying to work like I do with injection mold process. How are other people manufacturing sand cast parts doing this? thanks in advance... matt