Can't uninstall old license manager

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mike Weaver, Apr 9, 2004.

  1. Mike Weaver

    Mike Weaver Guest

    I am trying to uninstall the A2K4 license manager so I can install the new
    A2K5 license manager, but uninstall fails when it can't stop adskflex.exe.
    I've tried to stop it from the task manager and that failed. Can't find it
    in services.

    Suggestions would be appreciated.

    Mike Weaver
    Mike Weaver, Apr 9, 2004
  2. Mike Weaver

    Efim Guest

    Hi Mike,

    it looks like you tried to stop service while some licenses where borrowed
    so, now you need to restart that machine and then before stop service you
    need to check checkbox "Force Server Shutdown" under the "Stop Server"
    button and then stop service, after that you should be able to uninstall

    Hope it helps.

    Efim, Apr 9, 2004
  3. Mike Weaver

    Mike Weaver Guest

    I think you're right.


    Mike Weaver, Apr 10, 2004
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