can't take screenshot in solaris 10

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tarek, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Tarek

    Tarek Guest

    When I try to make a screen capture (using xwd, gimp or PrintScreen),
    the contents of the cadence windows don't show up. I don't have this
    problem in Solaris 9. Any ideas?

    Tarek, Jul 29, 2009
  2. Tarek

    Guest Guest

    I'm not sure what the problem is, but you can try using xwininfo to get the
    characteristics of the root window, Cadence window and a window that does show
    up to try to figure out the difference.

    I'm guessing the Cadence window is using a different visual than the root

    Can you capture just the Cadence window with gimp?

    -Pete Zakel

    Clinguini (kling gwee' nee) n. That one strand of pasta that remains
    stuck to the bottom of the pan as you're
    emptying it into the colander.
    Guest, Jul 29, 2009
  3. Tarek

    Tarek Guest

    As I mentioned I have tried xwd, gimp and PrintScreen button and I can
    not capture the contents of the window. I ran xwininfo but I don't
    know how to interpret the result, perhaps someone can provide some

    Cadence Window:

    xwininfo: Window id: 0xb0298a "Virtuoso® Schematic Editing: lab4 nor2
    schematic "

    Absolute upper-left X: 121
    Absolute upper-left Y: 144
    Relative upper-left X: 1
    Relative upper-left Y: 18
    Width: 900
    Height: 690
    Depth: 8
    Visual Class: PseudoColor
    Border width: 0
    Class: InputOutput
    Colormap: 0xb00008 (installed)
    Bit Gravity State: ForgetGravity
    Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
    Backing Store State: NotUseful
    Save Under State: no
    Map State: IsViewable
    Override Redirect State: no
    Corners: +121+144 -259+144 -259-190 +121-190
    -geometry 900x690+120+126

    Gnome Terminal:

    xwininfo: Window id: 0xa008bc "Terminal"

    Absolute upper-left X: 271
    Absolute upper-left Y: 49
    Relative upper-left X: 1
    Relative upper-left Y: 18
    Width: 728
    Height: 396
    Depth: 24
    Visual Class: TrueColor
    Border width: 0
    Class: InputOutput
    Colormap: 0x34 (installed)
    Bit Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
    Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
    Backing Store State: NotUseful
    Save Under State: no
    Map State: IsViewable
    Override Redirect State: no
    Corners: +271+49 -281+49 -281-579 +271-579
    -geometry 79x22+270+31

    I also tried xwininfo on a Cadence window running on a Solaris 9 box
    and the output is the same (visual class, depth, class, backing store
    state, map state, save under state, override redirect state). This
    seems more like a unix problem, I'll go bother my admin to figure it
    Tarek, Jul 30, 2009
  4. Tarek

    Guest Guest

    The important things are the depth and visual class.

    Try running Cadence with the command line option "-use24". That way it will
    come up with 24-bit TrueColor and then you should be able to get a screen

    IC 5.1.41 by default uses 8-bit PseudoColor because it has better performance
    that 24-bit TrueColor, but if your root window is 24-bit TrueColor it will
    make it hard to get a screen capture.

    IC 6.1.X uses only TrueColor visuals because with the change to Qt the GUI
    uses a lot more colors, and 8-bit visuals don't work very well.

    -Pete Zakel

    "November: The eleventh twelfth of a weariness."
    Guest, Jul 30, 2009
  5. Tarek

    Tarek Guest

    Adding -use24 did the trick, thanks.
    Tarek, Jul 31, 2009
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