cant set stylesheet

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by perry, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. perry

    perry Guest

    Ok, others have had this problem and I havent seen a definative answer yet.
    Can anyone tell me why the following code snippet bombs when I attemp to set
    the stylesheet property?
    Setting it to an empty string works, but trying to put an actual style sheet
    name into it gives a runtime error.
    Yes, the .ctb file does exist, I tried tacking on full path, etc. no luck

    strStyleName = "HP1120-mono.ctb"
    With objLayout
    .PlotWithPlotStyles = True
    .StyleSheet = ""
    .StyleSheet = strStyleName
    End With
    perry, Feb 3, 2004
  2. There is nothing wrong with the snippet. The problem, though, with a
    snippet is the error may be before this comes into play [such as how do
    you get the layout?] or because of a corrupt ctb file. Try running this
    routine and see what happens. *MAKE SURE* you use a ctb file that is the
    original supplied with your AutoCAD - *DON'T* use one you have created
    or edited. That's the only thing I can't check remotely.

    If this routine works, start going backwards - try using your ctb file.
    If it bombs, you have your problem; if it doesn't, revise how Test sets
    the objLayout to whatever you are using.

    Sub Test()
    Dim objLayout As AcadLayout
    Dim strStyleName As String
    strStyleName = "monochrome.ctb"
    Set objLayout = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout
    With objLayout
    .PlotWithPlotStyles = True
    .StyleSheet = ""
    .StyleSheet = strStyleName
    End With
    End Sub
    Mike Tuersley, Feb 3, 2004
  3. perry

    perry Guest

    Thanks Mike, I'll try another .ctb file even though the one listed in the
    routine is the same one I use daily for ordinary plotting.
    I didnt even know that it made a difference on HOW you got the layout object
    but Ill try your snippet and as you say "work backwards"
    from that
    perry, Feb 3, 2004
  4. perry

    perry Guest

    Well Mike, I get the same error with your snippet as I do mine.
    I wish Adesk would provide a little input on functions in their program that
    dont work as advertised.
    perry, Feb 3, 2004
  5. Well Perry, is not Autodesk at this point. The code works so the problem
    is your environment. Try:

    A. Start a brand new drawing with no customization - use the defaut
    AutoCAD template. Then create a brand new dvb and paste my Test into the
    ThisDrawing portion and run it. What we are looking for is

    1. Corruption in your dvb - in case you pasted my code into your current
    2. Corruption in your dwg file - in case you are using the same one

    - If this works, work backwards again.

    B. Try step A on another computer at your location. If it works there,
    but not on yours, it's uninstall/reinstall AutoCAD time.

    - If this fails on the other computer, then what are you doing
    differently??? Are the ctbs on a network drive [network corruption]? Are
    the drawings set for ctb, or are they set for stb? Etc.

    This is a pain, but the problems reported up here are rarely because of
    Autodesk. Usually it is the user's code, approach/methodology, support
    files, or system.
    Mike Tuersley
    CADalyst's AutoCAD Clinic
    Rand IMAGINiT Technologies
    Mike Tuersley, Feb 3, 2004
  6. Ok, shoot me all your specs - version of AutoCAD w/ service pack level,
    OS, etc. You can ignore portions of my last suggestion because I assumed
    you were using vba. If you try this on another box and it fails as well,
    can you email me your source code?
    Mike Tuersley
    CADalyst's AutoCAD Clinic
    Rand IMAGINiT Technologies
    Mike Tuersley, Feb 3, 2004
  7. perry

    perry Guest

    Thanks for all your efforts Mike !
    I actually did get my code to work once, not sure why. It happened after I
    did a couple layout switches but havent been able to reproduce it.
    If this function requires one to jump through hoops, walk on hot coals,
    chant in latin, and wave a dead chicken over the head, then I think it
    may not be worth the trouble.
    I will take your other suggestions and get back to you soon.
    Thanks again for all your time.
    perry, Feb 3, 2004
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