Can't save layer status in drawing

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by dgeesaman, Jan 17, 2007.

  1. dgeesaman

    dgeesaman Guest

    I have a couple of assembly drawings, made from the same template as
    the others, that refuse to save layer status.

    Each time I open them I need to hide the layers in each view containing
    the junk that shouldn't be seen. Then when I go to Layer->Save Status
    the save status option is greyed out.

    What am I missing? I'm using WF3 M030.

    dgeesaman, Jan 17, 2007
  2. dgeesaman

    David Janes Guest

    You probably can't save it because you didn't change it. The Save Status
    option is only available when something has changed. So, for example, if
    your status was for the layer to be blanked, but it opened unblanked, then
    you blanked it again, you'd have made the status of the layer the same as
    its stored value. Thus no change, thus no Save Status. The rest of the story
    is why they'd open unblanked when their status was saved as blanked!?!

    I think part of the problem with layers is that difficulties compound as you
    go from part to component to assembly to drawing. You'd think that, at each
    level, you'd be able to have distinct statuses for that level. In the
    drawing, for example, I've seen some difference in how layer status is saved
    when you go to 'Setting' and uncheck 'Propogate Status' (which, BTW, I can't
    find in any Help files). Other confuguration settings seem to isolate
    drawing layer status from assembly/part layer status. You can find these
    also under 'Settings>Drawing Layer Status' and check the two boxes which
    tell what setting corresponds. But, read the settings option
    names and see, from the name, if you can figure out what they're supposed to
    do. I'm pretty sure you'll guess the opposite of what they actually do.
    Anyway, check them both, see if that helps. If it does, be happy, don't ask
    me why. I think it has something to do with the Dungeons and Dragons
    obscurantism of the Keepers of the Secrets. I think these are tests of
    knighthood in their strange, occult world.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jan 18, 2007
  3. dgeesaman

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I'm not really sure how to look at the question. Have you
    had a handle on all this and are seeing something different
    happen in WF3, or ...?

    Because my grasp of layer management in drawings is so
    tenuous I don't have anything to suggest but I'll go ahead
    and toss a few questions and thoughts, maybe learn something
    in the process ...

    When Save Status is greyed out, is Reset Status also? I
    think this, as DJ suggested, simply indicates a null change
    state. I've had drawings where neither will ever go
    inactive, though, and always give me a layer status not
    saved warning when saving the drawing though status is
    saved as indicated by flushing and reloading the drawing.
    Model or drawing entities?

    ignore_model_layer_status YES
    *(Toggling visibility of a layer in model
    should not affect drawing. Downside; if a
    view exists, you add comp to assy, you'll
    have to turn off layers in drawing because
    the drawing assumes all layers visible.)

    draw_layer_overrides_model YES
    *(IF the drawing contains a same name layer
    you cannot control a component's layer
    visibility in the drawing independently.
    If no same name layer exists in the
    drawing you can.

    If a same name layer exists, it will
    force layer visibility of added comps
    in the drawing views to conform.)
    dtl options in your drawings turned on or off?
    (* I ~think~ the descriptions are correct ...
    from some casual testing in WF2.)

    Do you have same name layers in the drawing
    (e.g. what shows in the layer tree if Layer
    Settings, No Submodel Layers is ticked)?

    Do you have independent view layer states?

    Have you added comps to the assy, created new layers in any
    of the comps, altered comp layer members? Some or all(?) of
    those actions will make my drawing layer object visibilities
    go bonkers.

    You may have noticed that, after placing a new comp in assy,
    view layer visibility goes screwy, if not immediately when
    you next update sheet? Datums for unrelated comps switching
    themselves on, etc. Layer Settings, Drawing Layer Status,
    Ok will make Pro/E re-think and straighten things out.
    Again, buggy? I'm sorta wondering if little subtleties like
    active drawing model don't have some effect when a change is
    made to a drawing referenced model.

    On the subject of same name layers in drawings; I have
    never used layer templates or duplicated my standard
    (def_layer) model layers in drawings. I wonder if that's,
    ultimately, a poor idea or completely inconsequential (with
    the obvious exception of using the draw_layer_overrides

    Enough rambling. Not intended to confuse or cloud your issue...
    Jeff Howard, Jan 18, 2007
  4. dgeesaman

    dgeesaman Guest

    Thanks for the ideas. I was just changing one layer, and if I set it
    to hide, save status and reset status were unavailable. Then I un-hid
    it, and the options were still unavailable. Strange.

    But today I tried setting all layers to hidden, then all layers to
    unhidden. Now save/reset are available, and I made the rest of my
    changes. I think a bug was itching me in this case.
    Well I have always been foggy, and it's reassuring to know I'm not the
    only one who chimpanzees my way thru it on a case-by-case basis. If
    you and David don't have a one-liner answer, it must not have been a
    stupid question. :)

    dgeesaman, Jan 18, 2007
  5. dgeesaman

    David Janes Guest

    Well, I did some more digging and found this in the help files; might be
    relevant since you mentioned, earlier, view layers which seems from this do
    be a slightly different case. Anyway, from the help files:
    About Changing the Display Status of Individual Drawing View Layers
    You can change the display status of layers in a drawing only after you have
    set the drawing to ignore the layer status of its model by setting the
    ignore_model_layer_status drawing setup file option to yes.

    The status of layers of drawing views is always independent of the status of
    the main drawing layer. Changes that you make to the view layer are not
    reflected in the layer of the main drawing.

    To make the status of a drawing view layer dependent on the status of the
    drawing layer, select the required view from the Active Layer Object
    Selection list above the Layer Tree, click View > Visibility > Drawing
    Dependent, and click Yes in the confirmation dialog box that Pro/ENGINEER

    When you make a view layer status dependent on the drawing layer, the
    operation is temporary and the change is only seen in the graphics window.
    For example, if you have a note in a drawing view on the view layer and if
    you hide this layer, the layer is hidden at the view level and the note
    disappears from the graphics window. The note reappears when you make the
    view layer dependent on the main drawing layer using the Drawing Dependent

    When you use the Drawing Dependent command on a view layer, the selected
    object in the Active Layer Object Selection list automatically moves back
    from the selected view layer to the main drawing or model. You can switch
    back to the independent view by selecting it from the Active Layer Object
    Selection list above the Layer Tree.

    You can make the view layer permanently dependent on the drawing layer by
    clicking View > Visibility > Copy Status From > Drawing. However, once you
    do this you cannot reset the status of the view layer.


    There have been times, probably having something to do with the above, that
    I couldn't hide datums or other features I knew were on layers just by
    picking the layer. Would happen only for certain views and a general
    unhide/hide wouldn't do it either. Seems the views were set per view. Which
    I found out only by clicking the down arrow next to the layer tree title
    [BIG_MODEL.DRW (Top Model)] and found a whole list of other layer trees
    embedded below it ~ the assembly layers, the component layers and the view
    names on the current sheet. All these could be set from the drawing and
    somehow, set independently of each other. So, you could set some view layers
    on while they were generally off in the model/assembly and the rest of the
    drawing. The key was just getting that drop down list from the layer tree
    title or clicking on the selection pointer and picking a model or view. And
    each of these has a separate status that can be saved separately. But, if
    you change the display of a view, you won't save its status at the general,
    top model, drawing layer tree level, only at the view level at which it was

    The last little tricky thing about the drop down list is that it doesn't
    update automatically when you change sheets. You have to do something, like
    click the selection pointer then select something for the list to update to
    the current sheet and it's models/views.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jan 22, 2007
  6. dgeesaman

    John Wade Guest

    If your PLM system locks your files (we use Intralink) then you won't
    be able to change layer status. That's annoying.
    John Wade, Jan 23, 2007
  7. dgeesaman

    David Janes Guest

    There's actually two ways files can be locked in Intralink. The admin can
    lock the files in Common Space which prevents checking in any changes, but
    it doesn't stop you from changing the file in Work Space. You can do
    anything with it locally: bump it up a rev, set it to WIP, change geometry,
    layers, parameters. You just can't check in the changes over the
    locked/released vaulted files.

    The other lock is a WS status of locked which you set with Change Status.
    You can also, under Administration, change your profile to automatically do
    this status change when files are checked out, as a precaution against
    accidentally changing files (such as with 'Layers>Save Status'). However,
    since this is a WS status, you can select the files you need to change, RMB
    'Change Status' and "clear" the lock. And, if this is the thing that's
    annoying you, you can go into your Administration profile and uncheck some
    box that's making it to automatically lock files on checkout. I think it's
    under the Checkout tab. I've done this, anyway, but maybe your profile is
    more tightly controlled by the Ilink admin. I'm pretty sure, from the people
    I've told about this kind of stuff, that most of it doesn't get changed
    because people don't know they can do it. Or they assume it's controlled
    when it's not.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jan 23, 2007
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