Can't save hole favorites with symbols?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron \(\), Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Hi,

    I have about 16 hole favorites I have created (holes for various PEM
    hardware), and if I click on save favorites I get a message... The filename
    cannot contain any of these characters @ \ / : * ? \ " < > |

    I understand that... and,

    I like my names " CLS 8-32 Hole (0.213") " but of course cannot save them...
    of course I used a " symbol...

    Also if you just add a size "G" hole it is "G (0.261) Diameter Hole" (the
    default name SW gives)... you cannot save that one either... what is up with
    that? I do not see that in the "illegal" list of characters...

    Is my install messed up, or just cannot use ( ) either even though it is not


    Aron \(\), Jun 27, 2007
  2. Aron \(\)

    pete Guest

    It's the full stop, (period), that is the problem, I think.
    It looks like a file extention, test.doc, for example.
    CLS 8-32 Hole (0.213") change to CLS 8-32 Hole (0-213")

    CLS 8-32 Hole (0.213")
    pete, Jun 27, 2007
  3. Aron \(\)

    fcsuper Guest

    Or just drop the period all together like 0213. This is a somewhat
    common practice.

    Co-moderator of
    fcsuper, Jun 27, 2007
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