Can't run macro, AutoCAD is busy.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Allen Johnson, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. Any idea why I get the error:

    Can't run macro, AutoCAD is busy.

    when I first run a VBA macro (run from the Alt-F8 dialog).
    The macro runs fine after I close the message box, key ESC and restart the

    I found these responses:,+AutoCAD+is+busy.&objID=f33&search=Search

    This one seems to have a solution:
    so I tried it (by adding AcVBA.arx to the Startup Suite) but it didn't fix
    the problem.
    Allen Johnson, Dec 20, 2004
  2. Allen Johnson

    Kevin L. Guest

    normally when I see this error is because my macro is waiting for a user
    response, the macro has not totally ended or unloaded the form and you
    can not have the macro call itself to repeat before ending..
    Kevin L., Dec 21, 2004
  3. Allen Johnson

    AKS Guest

    When you find out for sure, let us all know. This happens to me for every new AutoCAD session for the first run macro. It happens for any macro and it comes and goes. I'll go months without it happening. It started up for me again in the past week. In a few weeks it will stop happening. We have about 40 or so AutoCAD users in this office on a network. It will come and go for some of the users. There are links going back for years on this.
    AKS, Dec 21, 2004
  4. Allen Johnson

    Kevin L. Guest

    I send a reply, and wonder if it was seen by other in the group. It does
    not show up on my end and hate to repeat.

    Autocad busy is usually a marco that has not finished cleanly or a macro
    calling it self.

    Kevin L., Dec 23, 2004
  5. Allen Johnson

    user0 Guest

    I have also experienced this feature. I have not seen it since upgrading to Map 04. In the past, one of my workarounds was to use SendKeys "{ESC}" at the end of my procedure. Maybe a couple of them. I know that's lame but I think it worked.
    user0, Dec 23, 2004
  6. Allen Johnson

    Anne Brown Guest

    Kevin -

    Your reply is here and visible. You might want to reset your
    Outlook Express 6 software to "Show All". There is a setting
    where you do not see your own replies.

    Your post was under:

    Re: Can't run macro, AutoCAD is busy.
    Tue, 21 Dec 2004 13:10:45 -0600
    "Kevin L." <>
    Anne Brown, Dec 23, 2004
  7. I get the error every time I first run the macro, unless I key Alt-F11 to
    bring up the VBA editor first.
    Allen Johnson, Dec 23, 2004
  8. Allen Johnson

    Kevin L. Guest

    it shows all the replies, but a couple of times I have tried to reply to
    the group if that's right and it ether does not show up or this is the
    first I seen somewhere else.

    Had wonder if the problem I've had is some of the headers of the
    messages I've tried to reply to look screwed up more that just the
    no spam in the address..

    Kevin L., Dec 29, 2004
  9. Allen Johnson

    Kevin L. Guest

    I don't even see the original posting now and it was here within the last
    to weeks... Hope it's not over in just customization.....

    Kevin L., Dec 29, 2004
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