Can't plot bitonal to shades of black (screened) in 2002 like in 14...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by OnlyReed, Jul 30, 2003.

  1. OnlyReed

    OnlyReed Guest

    I need to use a bitonal image, so right off the bat, i can't use the image editing command in acad. I use bitonals because i insert them in parts of details, and if they're bitonal, you don't ever need to worry about anything being in front of the just prints splendidly, is easy to work with, and just overall is a better fit for us. It's always simple line drawings that i do this with.

    In 14, we could just put the tif file (bitmapped, so it's bitonal) onto any layer, and the image would print into different shades. Apparently, autocad made that 'not work' anymore, because now, no matter what layer the image is on, it still prints the exact same black.

    I've looked all over the forums, and i never saw an answer that said how to make it print if you want to keep it bitonal, only the obvious answers if it's not bitonal.

    OnlyReed, Jul 30, 2003
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