Can't install HP Designjet driver

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Weetie, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. Weetie

    Weetie Guest

    I'm on a PC running NT 4, service pack 6, as part of a Mac network. My HP
    DesignJet 750c Plus is run on the network.
    I recently installed ADT 2004 & was able to plot with no problems, but in
    the last few days ADT developed problems spooling to the print server - it
    took a REALLY long time, so I decided to reinstall the plotter driver.
    I removed the HP Designjet 750c Plus plotter from Start Menu\ Settings\
    Printers, and downloaded what seemed to be the most appropriate driver from
    HP's website. They list two appropriate drivers - "HP Designjet printer
    driver (HPGL/2 & HP RTL)", and "HP Designjet printer driver for Autocad
    13/14". I have tried installing both of these drivers & get an error message
    "Unable to find the configuration file for the autocad release in D:\Program
    Files\Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004". I pathed to the acad2004.cfg
    file in my WinNT\Profiles folder, but it still gave me the same error
    I should note here that C: is my boot drive, but I have ADT 2004 installed
    on my D:. I did this because NT forces me to partition my hard drive into a
    small startup C: & a larger D:, so I've been installing my applications on
    D: to leave my startup drive uncluttered. I don't know if this has anything
    to do with it or not.

    Sorry for the long-windedness, but I wanted to be as specific as possible.
    Hope I didn't bore you.


    Weetie, Jun 23, 2004
  2. Weetie

    steedj Guest

    I dont think the drivers you downloaded are the correct ones. I went to the HP website and looked at what they offered. I see why you got those -- they were the only one you could directly download. I could be wrong but I think you should select the one of the ones that comes on the CD. I selected one of the CD selections just to see what would happen -- I went ahead and went thru the ordering process and it cost absolutley nothing. It does take 5-7 days to get here, however.

    Try This:
    Do you still have the original 750+ drivers? If so, I suggest that you re-install the HP750+ printer with those.
    If you don't have your old drivesr, let me know -- I may have one here that I can send you.

    Since you said your print driver was working fine at one time, i dont think its a problem with your old 750+ driver.
    Is anyone else at your location having the same spooling problems as you?

    You may have a problem with your Network spooler or the 750+ plotter itself.

    Let me know what hapens.

    J. Steed
    steedj, Jun 23, 2004
  3. Weetie

    Weetie Guest

    Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I can't locate the original 750+
    driver. Could you check to see if you have one that you could send me? I'd
    really appreciate it.


    the HP website and looked at what they offered. I see why you got those --
    they were the only one you could directly download. I could be wrong but I
    think you should select the one of the ones that comes on the CD. I selected
    one of the CD selections just to see what would happen -- I went ahead and
    went thru the ordering process and it cost absolutley nothing. It does take
    5-7 days to get here, however.
    re-install the HP750+ printer with those.
    think its a problem with your old 750+ driver.
    Weetie, Jun 28, 2004
  4. Weetie

    steedj Guest

    Just for kicks I ordered the CD that contains the 750+ drivers from HP. They sent it free of charge. It took 3 buisness days. You need to order one too because I can't find my old 750c+ drivers. Simply go to the same website you downloaded those HP drivers from and click on the "Order CD option. Here's the link:
    If that does not work then go here and select "obtain software" (the first one under "CD ROM Order Page"):

    When your CD arrives simply insert it and follow the prompts.

    I did happen to find some old HP 750+ drivers on my harddrive. I don't know how old these are. If you want them, I'll need your email address so I can send 'em to you. If you don't want to give out your work email address here, I have an old junk email address that you can contact me at and I can get your address that way -- just let me know.

    J. Steed
    steedj, Jun 29, 2004
  5. Weetie

    steedj Guest

    steedj, Jun 30, 2004
  6. Weetie

    Weetie Guest

    J. Steed -

    Don't know if you're still checking this thread, but I thought I'd update
    you on my fix.
    I got into a bind where I needed to plot before the end of the day, so I
    broke down & paid the $25 for HP's online tech support. What they had me do
    was print a test page using my faulty, slow-spooling driver. At the bottom
    of the page it lists the files actually used in the spooling/plotting
    process - the driver & some support files. It lists the whole path to the
    files. So they had me go to Settings/Printers & delete the plotter, then go
    in and manually delete each of those files. Then we did Settings/Printers/
    Add Printer. Instead of selecting a plotter from the pull-down list we did
    Add Printer & select the .inf file from when I downloaded & unzipped the
    latest correct driver from their website. The .inf installed the new driver
    & now it works the way it should. SO...... if you ever run into a similar
    problem, maybe this will be of some assistance.

    Weetie, Jul 2, 2004
  7. Weetie

    steedj Guest

    I was wondering what happened to you.
    I'm glad you got it working.

    BTW: The CD that HP sent me has those same drivers (*.inf files).

    J. Steed
    steedj, Jul 2, 2004
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