can't insert 'simple hole' on a plane. Is this true?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Hi all,

    You can insert a hole wizard hole on a plane but I can't get sw2006 to
    insert a simple hole on a plane because it requires you to select a
    'face' to place the hole. I admit I rarely use simple holes so I just
    wanted to check.

    Zander, Oct 12, 2005
  2. Pick the plane first, then pick the Hole Wizard.

    Michael Eckstein, Oct 12, 2005
  3. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Hi Mike,

    I was talking about a 'simple hole' not a hole wizard hole. Sorry for
    the confusion. The simple hole feature insists on a planar face to
    pick. Which is just somehting I'd never noticed before.

    Zander, Oct 13, 2005
  4. Zander

    matt Guest

    You can make the hole on a face and "edit sketch plane" to move it to a
    matt, Oct 13, 2005
  5. Zander

    matt Guest

    .... although if you do that, you run a 50/50 chance of the feature not
    working. You can't change the direction of the hole cut extrude, and you
    can't directly control the plane normal. Since solid face normals
    always point out, and cuts always go in, the cut will always go to the
    "red" side of the plane (which you can see if you use shaded planes).
    There has been discussion here before about plane normals, some of it
    interesting, none of it really helpful. The only way to get a plane you
    can use where you have a plane you can't use is to draw a line and make
    a plane at an angle through the line at 180 deg from the unusable plane.
    This will flip the plane normal and make the cut go the right way.

    ....well, ok, there is another trick.

    - create hole on face
    - edit sketch plane to a plane where you want it
    - (hole cuts air)
    - edit sketch plane to some other plane, say perpendicular to the
    desired plane
    - edit sketch plane back to the desired plane
    - (hole cuts solid)

    The series of changes combined with some twist on the right hand rule
    makes the sketch normal flip opposite the plane normal. Useful?
    Doubtful. Interesting? A little. Odd? Definitely. We've been asking
    for tools to control plane normals or at least to remove limitations
    like this one imposed by plane/face normals for a while now.

    matt, Oct 13, 2005
  6. Zander

    rider89 Guest

    appears that sw2005 was the same way.

    you can select the plane, create sketch, draw a circle, do cut

    i think it's always been that way, actually.

    rider89, Oct 13, 2005
  7. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    Surfaces, including planes, can have two normals.
    By convention, the order in which things are defined
    controls which side the normal points towards.
    Just alter the way or order in which you define things ....
    Example for a general surface with control points:
    reverse the order in which the points are chosen.
    For a plane using a line which end of the line may
    be important (I don't know in specific cases) -- if using
    3 points, reverse two of them.
    A point & a line? Which are you selecting first?

    Try it & see.
    Cliff, Oct 13, 2005
  8. Zander

    Ivan Guest

    I agree with Dale with the lack of use of the simple hole feature. Why
    would you not use a hole wizard instead? (That way you can change the
    type of the hole if need be some time in the future).

    Or, make a macro that draws you a circle and dimensions it?

    Bigger issue is why we do not have any normal selection/control option
    for planes? Also, plane management is really non-existent in
    Solidworks which makes it somewhat annoying to work with for
    complicated parts.
    Ivan, Oct 16, 2005
  9. Zander

    Zander Guest

    The hole wizard only goes upto 1" holes I believe. So, sometimes the
    simple hole wizard has a use, although I agree it's hard to justify as
    it hardly differs from a cut-extrude.
    Zander, Oct 17, 2005
  10. Zander

    mjlombard Guest

    You're on my ignore list, but I'm on the road tonight, so it's google
    access. Are you a SW user? The only plane type I know of where the
    plane normal is selection order dependent is the 3 pt / line and point
    plane (and the order of points taken from the line is probably
    dependent on the order in which it was drawn). The offset and angle
    planes are dependent on the normal of the parent, and I think the
    normal to curve is dependent on which end of the curve. Tangent to
    surface is probably dependent on the face normal of the tangency

    mjlombard, Oct 17, 2005
  11. Zander

    Zander Guest

    The hole wizard database only goes upto 1" dia. , if you key in an
    override, it will still display whatever you selected ie. 1" even if
    you keyed in 2", so it makes the feature manager a little misleading.
    It's like in older sw versions, if you had a 6-32 tapped hole and
    editing the feature to make it 8-32 then 50% of the time the feature
    manager would still show 6-32 so you would have to manually edit the
    feature manager name.... On big parts these things can cause
    confusion, also I use the 'number of mouse clicks required' method to
    ascertain efficiency of any operation. Speaking of which, I had a
    great break timer once (which I lost and can't remember the name of)
    that logged mouse clicks in a given day and also distance travelled by
    the mouse as well as 'efficiency of travel' ie if you were wandering
    your mouse around the screen not clicking but being indecisive it would

    I would average over a 1km of motion per day - I forget the number of
    clicks but it is high. I use the windows setting that makes a single
    click a double click for windows operations - helps a lot.

    If you cant tell I've been working all weekend, day & night..... !!!!

    Zander, Oct 17, 2005
  12. Zander

    Zander Guest

    The hole wizard database only goes upto 1" dia. , if you key in an
    override, it will still display whatever you selected ie. 1" even if
    you keyed in 2", so it makes the feature manager a little misleading.
    It's like in older sw versions, if you had a 6-32 tapped hole and
    editing the feature to make it 8-32 then 50% of the time the feature
    manager would still show 6-32 so you would have to manually edit the
    feature manager name.... On big parts these things can cause
    confusion, also I use the 'number of mouse clicks required' method to
    ascertain efficiency of any operation. Speaking of which, I had a
    great break timer once (which I lost and can't remember the name of)
    that logged mouse clicks in a given day and also distance travelled by
    the mouse as well as 'efficiency of travel' ie if you were wandering
    your mouse around the screen not clicking but being indecisive it would

    I would average over a 1km of motion per day - I forget the number of
    clicks but it is high. I use the windows setting that makes a single
    click a double click for windows operations - helps a lot.

    If you cant tell I've been working all weekend, day & night..... !!!!

    Zander, Oct 17, 2005
  13. Zander

    neil Guest

    look out for matt tonight if you are on the interstate people he's the one
    in the semi trailer hauling his vanity...
    neil, Oct 17, 2005
  14. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    All planes or surfaces can have two normals.
    Which order did you select things in? The pont and then the line
    or the line & then the point?
    Which end of the line did you select it near? Some systems may
    order the endpoints by that selection criteria while others may
    look at how the line was created.
    Probably by default, if so. You may have a capability to reverse
    the normal(s).
    Cliff, Oct 17, 2005
  15. Zander

    Zander Guest

    I admit to never having used legacy holes in the HW - hmmmm....

    Zander, Oct 17, 2005
  16. Zander

    Cliff Guest

    Did you try it? Results?
    Cliff, Oct 28, 2005
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