Can't find a 3 button mouse

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by David Janes, May 20, 2005.

  1. David Janes

    David Janes Guest

    Try here. I've gotten acceptable, non-scroll, three-button mice from Belkin
    before. About six months ago, I was designing a simple, optical, cordless,
    non-scroll-wheel three button mouse but got side tracked. Maybe there'd actually
    be some interest in such a thing for Pro/e, at least.
    David Janes, May 20, 2005
  2. David Janes

    eman Guest

    You know, it's the little things in life which just kill me....

    The left mouse button on my trusty HP 3 button mouse quit on me today. It
    was a good mouse, it was a loyal mouse, I liked my mouse. But alas, 4.5
    billion clicks later, she called it quits and I had to run out and get a new
    one. No big deal I though, I got my money's worth out of that one, I'll
    just run over to staples and get me a new one.

    Traffic's thick, but I make my way there. Run through all the isles and
    look at all the pretty mice, but I notice one problem. Not a single mouse
    without a scroll wheel. I'm not crazy running Pro/E with a scroll button.
    Since I"m always jumping from left to middle to right and back to left, a
    scroll button feels, well, awkward. So I ask Dwayne the sales guy, "Hey
    Dwayne, got any mice without a scroll wheel?" Dwayne replies, "Nope,
    they're much better with the scroll wheel". He left out more expensive too.
    The cheapest 3 button scroll mouse is 20 bucks!! For a mouse?! OK, maybe I
    haven't bought a mouse in 8 years, but 20 bucks and I can't even get one
    without a scroll button?! Long story short, 7 stores and 5 hours later I
    find a mouse. 3 buttons, no scroll, 8 bucks. Perfect. Load it up, works
    perfect......except for when I switch computers with my nifty little switch
    box. It freezes up. No big deal I think, just download the drivers. Well,
    after 2 hours I say screw it, I'll go return it. Run down there, CLOSED!

    So here I am 7 hours later and one more store when Logitech finally beats it
    into me and I buy a 3 button mouse with scroll for $21.25. Very nice
    looking mouse. Sleek and silver, it's got that red optic, rubber grips and
    stuff, slides as smooth as silk across that mouse pad. If I was a chick and
    it was a vibrator, I bet I would love it. Guess what.....HATE IT!! After
    all that, I friggin hate it. Do you know how much in gas alone that damn
    mouse cost me? I'm already down 1 heart attack and I don't need another
    over a god damn mouse!! I'm sure after a good seven hour haul on Pro/E my
    pointer finger/nose declogger is going to be sore as all hell.

    Can anyone suggest where I can get a nice 3 button mouse without a scroll?!
    I don't care how much it costs.


    eman, May 20, 2005
  3. just my 2 cents... go for a Logitech Trackman Marble Fx at ebay.
    Got me a couple of these stockpiled :), like the cordless most.

    No scroll wheel (some M$ "Invention", wasn´t it?), no RSI pain!
    Once you´re accustomed to it you won´t want to let go any more.

    Walther Mathieu, May 20, 2005
  4. David Janes

    huggre Guest

    You dont seem to be an easy man to please Eric, I have been supporting
    50 pro/e users over a few years now and i have never met anyone who
    have so mutch fuss over a mouse :)
    I suggest you use an online PC dealer next time, it will save you a
    lot of money on gas at least.

    huggre, May 20, 2005
  5. David Janes

    Jason L Guest

    Jason L, May 20, 2005
  6. David Janes

    Guest Guest

    SGI has always made good mice, usually just rebranded Logitech, but
    somehow nicer none the less.



    Might consider getting a matching keyboard too, nothing in PC land
    seems to compare to the quality and feel of their keyboards ...

    I'd agree with your frustration if you're using Pro/E 2001 or earlier,
    but doesn't WF use the scroll wheel to good effect just like SolidWorks?
    Guest, May 23, 2005
  7. David Janes

    David Janes Guest

    Highly partisan question. I've watched collegues use the scroll wheel for what
    it's good for ~ zooming in and out ~ doing this repeatedly, to shift focus to
    another part of a design, just to avoid using pan (a simple drag Shift-MMB),
    however, since the scroll wheel (a socalled middle mouse button) is useless for
    typical middle mouse button tasks, workarounds have been found. The zooming in and
    out as an alternative to pan is just one of them. What I haven't figured out is
    what people do to substitute for the new WF spin, which definitely involves
    holding down the MMB. The problem I've encountered is that as soon as the scrolls
    wheel rotates in the slightest, the MMB command is cancelled and zoom rezoomed.
    This is very frustrating, especially if you come to regard the Pro/e inventors as
    geniuses for their use of the MMB for OK/Done/Accept/Return. I am so used to this,
    I try to use it in other programs and system functions. Alas, it has been
    sacrificed to the scroll wheel, of doubtful and limited use in Pro/e. About as
    efficacious, as they say, as tits on a bull.

    BTW, with a conventional three button mouse, I am able, by clicking the MMB in a
    windows program, to get an up/down arrowed icon which lets me sumulate a scoll
    wheel motion by simply moving mouse up and down. Don't see what all the oohing and
    aahing over the scroll wheel is all about, except that now, you better get on
    board as 'resistence is futile; choice is overrated; conformism rules; you will be
    absorbed into the MORG collective.' Or, now you have a 'choice' between 30 makers
    of optical, cordless scroll mice. Love optical, love cordless, hate scroll wheels.
    Anyone want to make a bet? The next wave of semi-paralysis from carpal tunnel will
    be traced directly to the scroll wheel. (Ergonomic it ain't; did I hear that the
    Gateses had some kind of medical charity/foundation!?! Scroll wheels to recruit
    new victims?)
    David Janes, May 24, 2005
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