can't double-click to edit text

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by R. Hamm, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. R. Hamm

    R. Hamm Guest

    At work (2000i) I can double-click and edit text, at home (2000i) I
    cannot do the same, I have to type "ddedit" or 'CH' for properties. Is
    there a setting I can change?
    R. Hamm, Jan 2, 2006
  2. R. Hamm

    RoperJ Guest

    type APPLOAD at the command prompt and check to see if
    'AcDblClkEdit.arx' is loading from your \Program Files\Autocad2000i.
    Don't know why it wouldn't, unless it is missing.
    RoperJ, Jan 2, 2006
  3. R. Hamm

    R. Hamm Guest

    I do not have that file, it is not even on my install CD!
    Can you please send it to me?

    Thanks much.

    type APPLOAD at the command prompt and check to see if
    'AcDblClkEdit.arx' is loading from your \Program Files\Autocad2000i.
    Don't know why it wouldn't, unless it is missing.
    R. Hamm, Jan 2, 2006
  4. R. Hamm

    IAVOO Guest

    try Noun/verb check box in Options->Selections
    IAVOO, Jan 6, 2006
  5. R. Hamm

    R. Hamm Guest

    noun/verb is check, I also copied 'AcDblClkEdit.arx' to the acad
    directory and it still does not work.
    Any other ideas?
    R. Hamm, Jan 7, 2006
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