Can't Change Density in SW2005

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dan Bovinich, Nov 13, 2004.

  1. Dan Bovinich

    Dan Bovinich Guest

    Just installed SW2005 SP0 on my home machine. Been using SW on a daily basis
    since SW98. I just made a new part and the material was aluminum in my
    template. I tried to change the density and it wouldn't let me. So I removed
    the material. Now it is: "Material <not specified>. I then when into the
    "mass properties" tool and hit options and hit the "use custom settings"
    radio box and changed the density to .09. Then hit OK. But it did not change
    the density, it set itself to .0361273 lb/in^3 (which is the density of
    water.) OK, maybe its a bug, so I went into the "Documents properties" >
    "Materials properties" and changed the density there and hit ok. Again the
    same results - it did not change the density. Of the hundreds of parts I
    created until SW2005 that's they way you change and set the density. Why oh
    why did they make SW2005 so hard to change the density???? Or is this a bug?
    I did look in the help and it stated to change the density as I did.

    Does anyone know what's going on?



    BTW, I did make a new material and set the density there and it worked. BUT,
    I wanted to tweak the density and I had to wade through the material
    properties menus to change it. Instead of a few clicks in SW2004 and before,
    its a bunch of clicks to change the density.
    Dan Bovinich, Nov 13, 2004
  2. Dan Bovinich

    Sporkman Guest

    I'm having the same problem, but it's not consistent. And certainly I
    believe it to be a bug, but I don't know if it's specific to parts
    created via older part templates which were converted to 2005 format.
    And I don't know if SP0.1 fixed it though, since I'm now off of
    Subscription Support. Try creating parts via the part template included
    with SolidWorks 2005 (and I'll do the same) to see whether it's a
    problem that way. Then see if creating a part using a CONVERTED file
    template duplicates the problem.
    Sporkman, Nov 13, 2004
  3. Dan Bovinich

    That70sTick Guest

    I'm not running 2005 yet, so I haven't had a chance to try this.
    Still, perhaps a back-door API approach might work.

    Free density manager program available at
    That70sTick, Nov 13, 2004
  4. Dan Bovinich

    kenneth b Guest

    works fine here thru doc properties.

    the material editor is primarily for those who wish to employ realview
    and/or cosmos works. if you do not intend use either of the previously
    mentioned, don't bother with material editor.

    out of curiosity, if and when you create a custom material and assign a
    color (material editor), do the color palettes appear twice (dull, shiny,
    standard, transparent)? would also be nice if when creating custom material
    they would automatically alphabetize themselves.
    kenneth b, Nov 13, 2004
  5. Yes! I ran into this too and it drove me nuts! Some files were not affected
    but some were. Man, I forgot to submit that one.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Nov 14, 2004
  6. Dan Bovinich

    Sporkman Guest

    Mike, can we take that to mean the SP0.1 didn't fix that problem?
    Sporkman, Nov 14, 2004
  7. Good question. I just updated a few days ago and haven't had a
    chance to check. I'll take a look...

    Mike J. Wilson, Nov 15, 2004
  8. Yep, still there.

    Mike J. Wilson, Nov 15, 2004
  9. Dan Bovinich

    CS Guest


    I e-mailed you the program that I created for a simple density change from
    an excel list of materials. The files need to be in the same folder.
    Anyway you can check out if the API is changing the property properly.

    CS, Nov 15, 2004
  10. Dan Bovinich

    P. Guest

    There was a problem in 2003/2004 with density settings and configurations.
    You could sometimes make configuration specific density changes if you did
    it through the icon for mass properties, but if you then looked at density
    through the document properties dialog it reset the whole part to that
    value. Supposedly the ability to have robust configuration specific mass
    properties was a 2005 enhancement.
    P., Nov 15, 2004
  11. Dan Bovinich

    CS Guest

    Could you post your source? Just curious.

    CS, Nov 15, 2004
  12. Dan Bovinich

    P. Guest

    I was managing CAD and some of my people discovered they could change
    mass properties on a config by config basis through the mass properties
    icon. Later on there were problems with the assembly's weight which we
    traced back to this method of setting. A thorough search of the various
    methods of setting mass properties including a search of API methods
    showed that SW intended for a single part to have only one mass
    property at a time. The ability to set it in various configs was an
    anomaly and gave random problems. I believe we got an SPR on it, but I
    don't have access to the number anymore.

    The reason we had for assembly specific mass properties was that we
    made the same part geometry out of steel or aluminum depending on the
    P., Nov 15, 2004
  13. This is an easily reproducible bug...

    *) Start new part, make simple extrusion
    *) Assign it a material
    *) Remove the material

    Now, you can no longer assign a density. It defaults to whatever you
    had before you assigned the material.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Nov 15, 2004
  14. Dan Bovinich

    CS Guest

    Thank you.
    CS, Nov 15, 2004
  15. Dan Bovinich

    Dan Bovinich Guest

    Thanks Corey,

    I installed the macro you sent and after you helped me adjust it to suit my
    machine I got it to work. It is a great macro! But as others have pointed
    out, that once you remove the material from the part, the material density
    reverts back to whatever it was before. I had great hopes that your macro
    could work around this bug, but alas it doesn't change the density. If I
    start a new part from a template that doesn't have a material assigned to
    it, then your macro works great it changes the density to whatever I pick.
    But as soon as I assign it a material THEN remove the material, the density
    cannot be changed either manually or with the macro. I did forward this
    problem to my VAR and encourage others to do so. I am sure its a bug.....and
    they are probably working on as we speak!!!

    Thanks for the macro and all the help you gave me... you macro is definitely
    a keeper.

    Dan Bovinich, Nov 16, 2004
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