Cannot update 'partName' property on copied cells

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by spectrallypure, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. Hello all!

    I am having a serious problem with Virtuoso not updating a cell's
    "partName" property when making copies of it. I was advised to try
    using the instance update options in the dialog window that appears
    when making the copies, but they don't seem to work. So far what I
    tried is as follows.

    I first attempted to use the "(Update Instances) Of New Copies Only"
    option on the copy cell dialog box, but for some reason it doesn't
    work. The copies still bear the partName of the original cell and the
    wrong names when instantiated. The Library Manager message window
    doesn't report any error when I make the copies using this option:
    Copy is doneProcessing files to be copied...
    Beginning simple copy to library "Turbo_Decodificador_UMTS40".
    Transfer of 8 files phase complete in 0:00:00
    Performing instance update.
    Start running ccpCdbaUpdtr ...
    ccpCdbaUpdtr ran successfully ...
    Loading all available p-cell functions
    ROD pcell code loaded
    Copy is done

    I therefore tried to use the "(Update Instances) Of Entire Library"
    option, but not only doesn't it also fail to solve the partName
    updating problem on the copies, but I also get the following errors in
    the Library Manager messages window:
    Processing files to be copied...
    Beginning simple copy to library "Turbo_Decodificador_UMTS40".
    Transfer of 8 files phase complete in 0:00:00
    Performing instance update.
    Start running ccpCdbaUpdtr ...
    Loading all available p-cell functions
    *Error* eval: undefined function - hiCreateCyclicField
    *Error* eval: undefined function - hiCreateCyclicField
    *Error* eval: undefined function - hiCreateStringField
    *Error* eval: undefined function - hiCreateStringField
    ....(about 8 more of these hiCreateStringField errors)..
    *Error* eval: undefined function - hiCreateStringField
    *Error* eval: undefined function - hiCreateSeparatorField
    *Error* eval: undefined function - hiCreateAppForm
    *Error* eval: undefined function - addToAMSMenu
    ccpCdbaUpdtr ran successfully ...
    ROD pcell code loaded

    Finally -all the previous not working-, I reviewed the documentation
    and according to the Library Manager User Manual it should be possible
    to update a cell view by selecting it and using the "Design Manager ->
    Update" command, but this command is grayed-out for all the views/
    cells/libraries in my Library Manager! (I am the only one working in
    this project so it's impossible that the cells could be checked out by
    somebody else). Since I have never used this option before, I don't
    know how to interpret this: is it because according to Cadence all the
    cells are up to date and therefore no further updating is possible
    (i.e., it's expected behavior), or is it really that somehow this
    option is disabled in my installation? (in fact, the only non-greyed-
    out options on the 'Design Manager' menu of my installation are
    'Properties' and 'Update Workarea').

    What could be wrong here? Could it be that I am missing some
    definitions on my environment configuration scripts? Or is it maybe a
    design kit bug? (BTW I'm using IC5.10.41.500.3.49 with
    AustriaMicrosystems Hit-Kit v3.70 on RHEL3)

    As usual, thanks so much in advance for any ideas!!!

    Best regards,

    Jorge Luis.
    spectrallypure, Nov 6, 2007
  2. How about using @cellName instead of @partName? We had this issue on
    the group a week or so ago. I still haven't got any info on why
    Cadence use partName instead of cellName.

    As for the error codes, that could be a result of something going
    wrong in Hit-Kit as I do not see those errors when I copy with
    partName instead of cellName. I wish I would, becasue that would
    "drive" my colleagues to manually change the partName to cellName.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Nov 7, 2007
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