Cannot open .x_t or .IGS file types! Help?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sean Mc, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. Sean Mc

    Sean Mc Guest

    When I first installed 2008, I wasn't sure how it would perform on my
    system, and wanted to be able to continue working without interruption or
    the chance of down time, so I installed it alongside 2007, rather than

    I just recently decided to un-install 2007, since I no longer have any need
    for it.
    Only problem is, other file types (pretty much all other 3D file types other
    than native SW file types) are no longer associated with SolidWorks, and I
    can no longer open them.

    If I right click on the other file type, select "Open With", SolidWorks no
    longer appears on this program list. OK- so I will browse to my executable
    and select it from there. Nope, that doesn't work either - when I select OK,
    or double click my SW exe, I jump back to my "Open With" list, and the first
    program on the list is selected. Adobe Acrobat doesn't like to open

    How can I get SolidWorks to appear in my program list?
    I tried doing a re-install. Didn't help for some reason.
    Not only that, but the latest service pack (1.1) doesn't agree with my ATI
    video card. Now I also get frequent exits to the BSOD and have to restart my
    computer. (But that's a problem for another time.)
    Sean Mc, Jan 8, 2008
  2. Sean Mc

    POH Guest


    It's not clear why you have lost SolidWorks in association with the
    file types it can open (via Windows Explorer); however, for the time
    being as you troubleshoot your file associations issue, why not simply
    use the File/Open menu in the main toolbar of SolidWorks. Doing so
    provides flexibility in tailoring the way files are to be opened/

    Even after you have restored the proper file associations and can open
    a SolidWorks related file just by double clicking on it in Windows
    Explorer, there will be no opportunity to interactively specify the
    options (such as for IGES importation) which exist. If you are always
    using the default settings (or those last selected from within
    SolidWorks), then the Windows Explorer 'Open With' process may be just
    fine for you...

    Per O. Hoel

    p.s. Good luck with your ATI video card. I think ATI hardware is
    typically quite good, but the software drivers often leave much to be
    POH, Jan 8, 2008
  3. Sean Mc

    Sean Mc Guest


    It's not clear why you have lost SolidWorks in association with the
    file types it can open (via Windows Explorer); however, for the time
    being as you troubleshoot your file associations issue, why not simply
    use the File/Open menu in the main toolbar of SolidWorks. Doing so
    provides flexibility in tailoring the way files are to be opened/

    Even after you have restored the proper file associations and can open
    a SolidWorks related file just by double clicking on it in Windows
    Explorer, there will be no opportunity to interactively specify the
    options (such as for IGES importation) which exist. If you are always
    using the default settings (or those last selected from within
    SolidWorks), then the Windows Explorer 'Open With' process may be just
    fine for you...

    Per O. Hoel

    p.s. Good luck with your ATI video card. I think ATI hardware is
    typically quite good, but the software drivers often leave much to be

    Went back to SP 0.1, eliminated the video card problem.
    Yes I can open these files from SW open option. Got so used to just double
    clicking from SW File explorer, it took me a while to even think of the
    other ways to open these files from SW. Brain Cramp. :)
    Still would like to figure out how to fix my registry so that SW is once
    again listed in my "Open With" program list, though, so if anyone could help
    with this, I would still appreciate it, even though it is not the issue it
    was once was with me.
    Sean Mc, Jan 8, 2008
  4. Sean Mc

    POH Guest


    You may find it easiest to perform a "repair" installation of
    SolidWorks 2008. This is done through the Windows Control Panel's Add/
    Remove Programs applet. (Troubleshooting the file associations issue
    in Windows may be more work than it's worth.)

    As with any SolidWorks installation, make sure that any virus scanning
    software you normally run is disabled during the process. (An active
    virus scan can cause certain portions of an installation to be
    incomplete or handicapped.

    BTW - I typically only open IGES files from within SolidWorks, so I
    wouldn't notice if the Explorer-based association was missing;
    however, I have SolidWorks 2006, 2007 and 2008 all installed (side-by-
    side) on my system and SolidWorks does NOT appear in the Open With
    dialog box for .IGS. I've checked a co-worker's system as well and
    there is NO installed association (found in the Registry) for the .IGS
    file type, so I'm not sure where your 'broken" association came from
    in the first place...

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Jan 8, 2008
  5. Sean Mc

    kenneth Guest


    BTW - I typically only open IGES files from within SolidWorks, so I
    wouldn't notice if the Explorer-based association was missing;
    however, I have SolidWorks 2006, 2007 and 2008 all installed (side-by-
    side) on my system and SolidWorks does NOT appear in the Open With
    dialog box for .IGS. I've checked a co-worker's system as well and
    there is NO installed association (found in the Registry) for the .IGS
    file type, so I'm not sure where your 'broken" association came from
    in the first place...

    Per O. Hoel

    fwiw, running 2006 here and i have parasolid, iges, and step associated with
    solidworks. i can open these file types from windows explorer by double
    clicking. the association is a manual process. not sure why the op is
    having trouble.
    kenneth, Jan 8, 2008
  6. Sean Mc

    Sean Mc Guest

    Yes, it was a manual association, but my system is no longer capable of
    making that association, for some reason.
    Sean Mc, Jan 9, 2008
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