can you rename a parameter?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by shredcini, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. shredcini

    shredcini Guest

    Is it possible to rename a paramter in proe? Im not running intralink
    or any pdm but have alot of parameters to rename and existing relations
    in the models that I dont want to lose.

    shredcini, Feb 1, 2005
  2. shredcini

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Is it possible to rename a paramter in proe?
    Don't think so. You can create a new parameter, Show / Driving, reroute
    the references, then delete.
    Jeff Howard, Feb 1, 2005
  3. shredcini

    kabsglobal Guest

    yes its possiable to rename the parameter name ,without affecting its
    kabsglobal, Feb 2, 2005
  4. shredcini

    David Janes Guest

    We'd certainly appreciate it if you'd be kind enough to tell us how. When I tried it, the parameter name is greyed out. Also, the help files, which say the following, seem to contradict you:
    Rules for Naming Parameters
    Consider the following rules for naming user parameters:

    a.. User parameter names must begin with a letter if they are to be used in relations.

    b.. You cannot use d#, kd#, rd#, tm#, tp#, or tpm# as user parameter names because they are reserved for use with dimensions.

    c.. User parameter names cannot contain nonalphanumeric characters such as !, @, #, and $.

    d.. You cannot change the name of a user parameter once it has been created.

    I wonder if it wouldn't be possible, along the lines of Jeff's suggestion, to a copy a parameter with a new name. Maybe with Pro/TOOLKIT?
    David Janes, Feb 3, 2005
  5. shredcini

    R.M. Guest

    We'd certainly appreciate it if you'd be kind enough to tell us how. When I tried it, the parameter name is greyed out. Also, the help files, which say the following, seem to contradict you:
    Rules for Naming Parameters
    Consider the following rules for naming user parameters:

    a.. User parameter names must begin with a letter if they are to be used in relations.

    b.. You cannot use d#, kd#, rd#, tm#, tp#, or tpm# as user parameter names because they are reserved for use with dimensions.

    c.. User parameter names cannot contain nonalphanumeric characters such as !, @, #, and $.

    d.. You cannot change the name of a user parameter once it has been created.

    I wonder if it wouldn't be possible, along the lines of Jeff's suggestion, to a copy a parameter with a new name. Maybe with Pro/TOOLKIT?

    You are correct David. User-defined parameters CANNOT be renamed. And this is a longstanding problem with Pro/E. You can't even rename parameters in Layout(Pro/NOTEBOOK) mode.

    R.M., Feb 3, 2005
  6. shredcini

    tbsat Guest

    how. When I tried it, the parameter name is greyed out. Also, the help
    files, which say the following, seem to contradict you:
    parameter names because they are reserved for use with dimensions.
    characters such as !, @, #, and $.
    suggestion, to a copy a parameter with a new name. Maybe with
    And this is a longstanding problem with Pro/E. You can't even rename
    parameters in Layout(Pro/NOTEBOOK) mode.

    I agree with mr.david,i dont think its possiable to rename -(just
    renaming like others)
    tbsat, Feb 3, 2005
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