Can you Group Palettes and networking them

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Michael Schirmer, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. I'm trying to figure out the extent that I can use Palettes. It would be a
    great tool to use if I can group these on the local server and have this
    available to everyone else. I don't know if I am doing it wrong, but I
    can't see how to either export a group or make it viewable without manually
    making groups on each machine.
    Michael Schirmer, Mar 9, 2005
  2. Michael Schirmer

    The Real JD Guest

    Change the location of the pallette support path to a network folder & store
    the pallette files there? I'm just starting to do the same thing... so any
    comments from those who have trailblazed this area would be appreciated...
    The Real JD, Mar 10, 2005
  3. Michael Schirmer

    Daron Guest

    yes. create a folder on a server drive. in OPTIONS, select the FILES tab.

    select ADD, and browse to the folder you just created on the server. you've
    just started a new palette group on your server. each new folder you add as
    an additional path in the above step basically creates a group.

    if you are familiar with lisp, you can create a list of these folders and
    allow your users to select which groups they want loaded from a popup list.
    path strings can be updated with:

    (command "*_toolpalettepath" PATHSTRING)

    post if you would like more help.
    Daron, Mar 11, 2005
  4. Michael Schirmer

    Gary Fowler Guest

    How have others setup folder organization on a network?

    I just started playing with tool palettes. Has any setup network folders
    for palettes...and other customization?

    [] Toolpalette
    [] Images


    [] Toolpalette
    [] <group name>
    [] Images
    [] <group name>
    [] Images

    (setq PATHSTRING "V:\\ARCH\\Custom_Architettura\\ToolPalette\\Palettes")
    (command "*_toolpalettepath" PATHSTRING)
    Gary Fowler, Mar 11, 2005
  5. Daron,

    Thanks for the info. I do need more help.

    What I am not understanding is whether or not I can view this exact same
    menu-of-groups in my tool pallette from a different computer.

    I am familiar with lisp, so i will tryout your command. I just wasn't sure
    if this was the answer to my above issue.
    Michael Schirmer, Mar 14, 2005
  6. Michael Schirmer

    Daron Guest

    yes, you would have that ability.

    my suggestion would be to have all the folders containing the palettes
    available in a dialog as a check box list. (doslib works great for this)
    depending on which folders are selected, strcat all the folders and supply
    that string to the command. if i remember correctly, the paths need to be
    separated by ";"

    being kind to your users here is easy by supplying the current settings.
    before displaying the dialog, get the value from _toolpalettepath and set
    the current palettes as default. the less frustrating it is to use, the more
    it will get used. :eek:)

    do you need more specific help with the folder setup?

    Daron, Mar 14, 2005
  7. Michael Schirmer

    Daron Guest

    ours is:

    doors exterior
    doors interior
    walls exterior
    walls interior

    each folder (ex: doors exterior) is a palette all by itself and may contain
    only one or two tabs. this allows the user complete flexibility in setting
    which tabs are displayed. also, having all the palette folders in one main
    folder makes creating a list of the folders much easier.

    making the folders read-only to your users will lock the palettes if you are
    concerned about someone tampering with company standards.

    Daron, Mar 14, 2005
  8. Michael Schirmer

    Gary Fowler Guest

    Thanks, that was the way I was thinking also. Creating different palettes
    (along with the path).
    Then use a menu toolbar or command line to list the options. Tool command is
    just my first

    Next question is how to setup an easy way to import the .xtp file for each
    CAD user, if they
    do not have the palette. Is ther a way to import a tool palette using lisp?

    (defun c:TOOL  (/ tmp)
    (defun A_P-TP  (/ pathstr)
    (setq pathstr "V:\\ARCH\\ToolPalette")
    (command "*_toolpalettepath" pathstr))
    (defun BLK-TP  (/ pathstr)
    (setq pathstr "V:\\ARCH\\Custom_Architettura\\Bloc\\ToolPalette_Blks")
    (command "*_toolpalettepath" pathstr))
    (defun CUS-TP  (/ pathstr)
    (setq pathstr "C:\\ARCH_Custom\\ToolPalette")
    (command "*_toolpalettepath" pathstr))
    (defun DTL-TP  (/ pathstr)
    (setq pathstr "V:\\ARCH\\Custom_Architettura\\Bloc\\ToolPalette_Dtls")
    (command "*_toolpalettepath" pathstr))
    (defun HAT-TP  (/ pathstr)
    (setq pathstr "V:\\ARCH\\Patterns\\ToolPalette")
    (command "*_toolpalettepath" pathstr))
    (defun TOOL-IT  (/ result)
    (initget "A B C D H")
    (setq tmp (getkword
    "\n* Select Tool Palette Path:  <A>rch Program   <B>locks
    <C>ustom   <D>etails   <H>atches *"))
    (initget 7)
    ;;disallow null,zero & negative
    (cond ((= tmp "A") (A_P-TP))
    ((= tmp "B") (BLK-TP))
    ((= tmp "C") (CUS-TP))
    ((= tmp "D") (DTL-TP))
    ((= tmp "H") (HAT-TP))
    (command "_ToolPalettes") ;;_ToolPalettesClose
    (setq result (ARCH:QUESTION-5
    "Tool Palettes"
    "     Set the ''Tool Palette File Location'' for AutoCAD\n"
    "     Select an option below..\n\n"
    "     [ 1 ]  Set a Tool Palette\n"
    "     [ 2 ]  Cancel routine...\n" ""))
    (cond ((= result 1)
    (princ "\n*** ///////// Program  CANCELLED ///////// ***"))
    ((= result 0) (TOOL-IT)))
    Gary Fowler, Mar 14, 2005
  9. Michael Schirmer

    John Schmidt Guest

    Gary - I have a network toolpath added to users profiles here, and once I've
    added or modified a pallet, all the users automatically see it the next time
    they start AutoCAD - I've never had to import an xtp file. Am I missing


    John Schmidt, Mar 14, 2005
  10. Michael Schirmer

    Daron Guest

    i guess i'm not understanding your end goal. if you want server-side
    palettes, you shouldn't need to import anything. if they can see V:,
    everything should be fine. is this what you mean?
    Daron, Mar 14, 2005
  11. Unfortunately, yes I am needing more help. I've figured out that if I set
    my options to I:\TOOLPALETTE, another folder is created called
    I:\TOOLPALETTE\TOOLPALETTES, which is where I am supposed to set others
    people's options too. Why is this?

    It took me awhile to figure out that the second folder is the one that the
    server points to for the other computers to see the palettes.
    Michael Schirmer, Mar 14, 2005
  12. Michael Schirmer

    Daron Guest

    no worries :eek:)
    this should read I:\TOOLPALETTE\PALETTES. anyway, if yours is set to
    I:\TOOLPALETTE, make everyone's the same. the other subfolders are generated
    automatically by acad.

    whenever you add or change anything in the palettes on your screen (located
    on the server), you will need to close your session of acad before those
    changes are saved to the server. the other users will not see these changes
    until the next time they open acad.
    Daron, Mar 14, 2005
  13. Michael Schirmer

    Daron Guest

    yep, good resource. a little bit different direction then our conversation,
    and pro / cons to both.

    catalogs provide a just about fool proof method of storing / retrieving
    palettes & tools. IMO they are much more difficult to maintain & update
    compared to the method i suggested.

    whatever method works best for you, that's what you should use. :eek:)

    Daron, Mar 14, 2005
  14. But if I set others to the same folder as mine, I can not see the tool
    Michael Schirmer, Mar 15, 2005
  15. Michael Schirmer

    Daron Guest

    you cannot see the palette on your screen, or someone else's screen?
    Daron, Mar 15, 2005
  16. Here's the scope so far. I've tried it on two other computers on the
    network. One saw the palettes, and the other didn't, using I:\Palettes.
    This puzzles me. I did notice that the one that didn't load the palettes
    did not show the palettes being loaded at boot up. Any clues as to why it
    is not loading?
    Michael Schirmer, Mar 15, 2005
  17. Michael Schirmer

    Daron Guest

    upon opening acad, is I:\Palettes set?
    - if so, are the palettes just off? is it as simple as displaying the
    - if not, is anything forcing changes to the profile, or loading a different
    profile maybe?

    what happens when you type TOOLPALETTES at the command prompt?
    Daron, Mar 15, 2005
  18. Daron, I really appreciate the help.
    Yes, it is set there.
    The palette is there on the screen. Its blank.
    hmmm.... I think I'm sensing the issue. Everyone is logged on as their
    self. And thus their profiles are according to their log in, from what I
    understand. Is this the problem?
    Michael Schirmer, Mar 15, 2005
  19. Michael Schirmer

    Daron Guest

    no worries. :eek:)

    everyone here is also logged in as themselves (65+ users) and everyone sees
    / has available the same tabs. we could type this to death - if you would
    like to call our office, i could ask some more specific questions as to what
    you are seeing and have this hashed out pretty quick.

    it is 4pm here. i'll be here for a few more hours.

    Daron, Mar 15, 2005
  20. I'll get with you in a couple of days. My schedule isn't viable for me to
    get ahold of you yet.
    Michael Schirmer, Mar 16, 2005
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