Can this be done ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Giorgis, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. Giorgis

    Giorgis Guest

    I have already put this to my Var, but I will put it to the group and
    see what we come up with.

    I need to annotate a hole in a drawing, and I need all the info driven
    by the model.

    Currently I can point a leader to a counterbore hole and I can say

    C'BORE (DIA)5x10 DEEP

    The way I go about that is dimension in the solid the depth and the diameter
    Then create an annotation in the solid, click in the anotation the
    appropriate dimensions and vioala. In the darwing I just select the contents
    of the annotation and recreate it in the drawing.

    Now the chalenge

    I need the leader to also indicate tolerance


    C'BORE (DIA)5+0.005x10 DEEP

    Or have H7 or whatever tolerance I have assigned to the hole.

    I can have a dimension leader to the hole and show diameter and
    tolerance. I can have an annotation leader and show diameter and depth.

    I cannot have both

    Giorgis, Sep 27, 2004
  2. Hello Giorgis-
    Have you tried this?
    In the part file, create your Dimension using the Smart Dimension Tool. Add
    your tolerances and notes using the Property Manager of the Dimension.
    Then, in the drawing, Click on "Insert", "Model Items", "Dimensions".
    Best Regards,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, Sep 27, 2004
  3. Create this dimension in the Sketch used to create the Hole Feature.
    Devon T. Sowell, Sep 27, 2004
  4. Giorgis

    Steve Tietz Guest

    Just use the hole callout command in the drawing view & click on the
    outermost circular edge -- it will update parametrically to the hole wizard
    hope that helps

    Steve tietz
    Steve Tietz, Sep 27, 2004
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