Can The Code Gurus Solve This One? :-)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by akdrafter, Jan 20, 2004.

  1. akdrafter

    akdrafter Guest

    Hello All,


    Dwgs of Unit floor plans.
    Linework done in Unit floor plans
    Text justified as Top Center or Bottom Center in Unit floor plans. If Text was entered as "Top Center" then it was moved 0.0625 down from original text insertion point. If text was entered as "Bottom Center" then it was moved 0.03125 up from original text insertion point.
    Unit floor plans xref'ed into another master floor plan which are mirrored and rotated Unit plans
    Unit floor plans exploded to facilitate the use of the linework done in the Unit floor plans.

    Problem: Text now mirrored and rotated incorrectly for reading. Mirroring and re-justifying text requires a lot of work.

    Solution: A routine to mirror and rotate the text to a readable state and rejustify the text. If original text was "Bottom Center", make it "Top Center" and vise versa. All using the insertion point of the original text and moving the text from the new text insertion point according to it's justification (see distances noted above).


    Some may ask if I want the world on a platter. I say, Nope, just want to do a good job and save thousands of key strokes. After all, my hands are important..... I need them for fishing. If someone knows how to do this and is willing to take the time or knows of a routine already written to do this I would appreciate it. All I can do is offer my gratitude in return. If no one cares to supply the information, I am cool with that too. As my mom always said "If You Do Not Knock On The Door, No One Will Know To Answer It"

    "Catch" Ya Later,
    akdrafter, Jan 20, 2004
  2. akdrafter

    John Uhden Guest

    How about if it were all justified "Middle Center?"

    John Uhden, Cadlantic
    <the e-mail address is bogus>

    Sea Girt, NJ

    entered as "Top Center" then it was moved 0.0625 down from original text
    insertion point. If text was entered as "Bottom Center" then it was moved
    0.03125 up from original text insertion point.
    re-justifying text requires a lot of work.
    rejustify the text. If original text was "Bottom Center", make it "Top Center"
    and vise versa. All using the insertion point of the original text and moving
    the text from the new text insertion point according to it's justification (see
    distances noted above).
    good job and save thousands of key strokes. After all, my hands are
    important..... I need them for fishing. If someone knows how to do this and is
    willing to take the time or knows of a routine already written to do this I
    would appreciate it. All I can do is offer my gratitude in return. If no one
    cares to supply the information, I am cool with that too. As my mom always said
    "If You Do Not Knock On The Door, No One Will Know To Answer It"
    John Uhden, Jan 20, 2004
  3. akdrafter

    akdrafter Guest

    That would work too.

    "Catch" Ya Later,
    akdrafter, Jan 20, 2004
  4. akdrafter

    blammo Guest

    Do you have a sample of the problem DWG?

    blammo, Jan 20, 2004
  5. akdrafter

    blammo Guest

    No routine yet, but a possible solution to persue, How about copying
    all the orinal DWG's and mirroring them with MRRTEXT set to 0. Then
    xref them in. You should be able to align them by Xrefing in the Floor
    plans, if I read your problem correctly, then they can be Xrefed into
    the floor plans with little or no adjustment.

    blammo, Jan 20, 2004
  6. akdrafter

    Devin Guest

    Hi akdrafter,

    The solution to your problem is easy enough. The questions are this...

    1. are the blocks always mirrored in the same direction? (mirroring
    east-west as opposed to north-south will create different results and could
    potentially cause problems. These problems could be solved with a little
    user input indicating which direction the mirror occured)

    2. and do the justifications vary? It seems to me that we must create a
    list of justifications and the effect of mirroring for each. Using this
    list in the code to determine the propper adjustment that needs to be
    preformed for each type of justification. Perhaps an x and y offset to be
    performed depending on the mirror direction. But if you only use one
    justification then it's much easier.

    So let me know these two factors and we can work on something to fix your

    Devin, Jan 20, 2004
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