can SW 2K4 input automatically Part # or Drawing filename into a multiple sheet drawing?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John, May 26, 2004.

  1. John

    John Guest


    I have an assembly consist of two sub-assembly and two parts. I would
    like to create a drawing with multiple sheet, one for the entire ass'y
    with BOM, one for each individual sub-ass'y and part. For instance
    the entire ass'y filename is EA, SA1 (sub-ass'y 1), SA2 (sub-ass'y 2),
    P1 (part 1), P2 (part 2). First I create a drawing using A landscape
    SW template, sub-sequently I add 4 additional sheet to this drawing.
    Each of additional sheet will bear the filename EA where it shows "DWG
    NO". Is there a way, to make SW input automatically the actual parts
    or sub-ass'y name in the actual sheet instead of the entire ass'y e.g,
    Sheet 1 - EA, Sheet 2 - SA1, Sheet 3 - SA2 etc.

    Thanks in advance for your time and help.
    John, May 26, 2004
  2. $PRPSHEET:"SW-File Name"
    Put this in the note you want on your template and it will update with the
    name of the drawing in first view you add to the sheet.

    Corey Scheich, May 27, 2004
  3. John

    TinMan Guest

    I'm not sure I know what I'm talking about here, but I thought that
    the titleblock looked at the file properties of the assembly/part in
    the first drawing view on each page. So if you inserted the EA
    (entire assembly) first on each sheet, then that's what the titleblock
    would be referencing...I think?

    TinMan, May 29, 2004
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