This routine used to work fine in R14, but in 2000 or 2005 it doesn't work. The routine just goes by the scale command, it actually igores it. It used to work fine on 14, but I don't seem to find the fix for it. (if pname (progn (setq set1 (ssadd)) (setq last1 (entlast)) (command "measure" (list pname midpt) "b" "flex" "y" 2) (while (entnext last1) (setq last1 (entnext last1)) (ssadd last1 set1) ) (if (setq count (sslength set1)) (progn (while (> count 0) (setq names (ssname set1 (1- count))) (setq elist (entget names)) (setq spt (cdr (assoc 10 elist))) (if (equal (cdr (assoc 2 elist)) "FLEX") (command "scale" g (entget names) "" spt s1) ) (setq count (1- count)) ) ) ) (command "erase" pname "") (setq set1 nil) )