Can parts be 'adaptive'?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aaron R. Friedman, Oct 23, 2007.

  1. If I have a link part in a second level assembly that has free rotate,
    is there a way to align it to another linkage part in the higher up

    Also, is ther a way that I can make the part 'adaptively' stretch to fit
    based on assembly constraints?

    Aaron Friedamn
    ARF Designs
    Aaron R. Friedman, Oct 23, 2007
  2. Aaron R. Friedman

    ChamberPot Guest


    SolidWorks doesn't do that.

    Now go back to Inventor.

    ChamberPot, Oct 23, 2007
  3. Aaron R. Friedman

    Dale Dunn Guest


    Look into flexible subassemblies and in-context relations.

    You sound like a new user coming from Inventor. Go ahead and work through
    the tutorials so you know the SW vocabulary and way of doing things.
    Dale Dunn, Oct 23, 2007
  4. Yes, I have 6 year experience with inventor, but I also have 4 years
    experience with Solidworks. I just never had to do lower assy level
    mating or 'adaptive' things before in Solidworks.

    One of the tricky things about working in 2 CAD systems is learning and
    remembering the vocabulary. I knew I could do the flexible assembly
    thing,because I didn't know what it was called, I couldn't find it in help.

    Thanks for the pointer.

    So, what does Solidworks call 'adaptive' (stretch to fit)?

    Aaron Friedman
    ARf Designs
    Aaron R. Friedman, Oct 24, 2007
  5. Duh!...'in-context'...sorry

    Aaron R. Friedman, Oct 24, 2007
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