Can not modify Network admin/deploy image Acad 2004

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by steedj, Apr 6, 2004.

  1. steedj

    steedj Guest

    I attempted to modify the Network Administrative image in Acad 2004 to no avail. Someone else created the Image and I went in and seemingly modified it to include custom search paths; however, when I install the image, the search paths do not exist. When I modified the image, I did NOT get any kind of error messages or anything that might lead me to believe that the modification was unsuccessful. On my first attempt, I modified the existing deployment. When the installation of that image was unsuccessful, I created a new deployment with the same custom search paths but when I installed it -- still no custom search paths. I also added a custom Drawing template and menu into the installation folders. These we not copied over at installation. I don't know if this is a related problem or not. Does anyone know why my image modifications and custom files did not install?

    J. Steed
    steedj, Apr 6, 2004
  2. steedj

    patrick_aps Guest

    I do not know if this wokrs, i never have used it but,
    some wild guesses:
    -did you use UNC names to indicate your custom template: \\servername\share\path\name.dwt
    -does everyone have list rights on the path to the template end read rights to the files.
    patrick_aps, Apr 7, 2004
  3. steedj

    mpp445 Guest

    Maybe this works on AutoCAD 2004 also?

    Unable to modify support paths in network deployment image

    Unable to modify support paths in network deployment image

    Published date: 2003-07-07
    ID: TS80078

    Applies to:
    Autodesk® Architectural Desktop 2004


    You modify the support paths in a network deployment image of Autodesk® Architectural Desktop 2004, but the modified paths are retained when the image is deployed.


    To ensure that the modified paths are retained, refer to the Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004 Network Installation Wizard patch
    mpp445, Apr 8, 2004
  4. steedj

    steedj Guest

    Okay Folks I firuged out was unsuccesful at modifying the network Image. I am running AutoCAD Mechanical 2004 DX and it is impossible to modify it's network Image. There is a workaround if you want to add search paths, custom menus and other OPTION command custom settings like I was trying to do. Simply modify the existing *.arg profiles that are within the Acad Installation folders (imserted from the CD).

    Thanks for all the replies,
    Joey Steed
    steedj, Apr 15, 2004
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