Can Lisp work with Tool Palettes???

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mr. B, May 30, 2007.

  1. Mr. B

    Mr. B Guest

    ACAD 2005...

    I currently use pop-up and pull down menus for all my symbols (and I have a
    lot of them).

    But by using LISP and my Menu, I can easly reinsert the previous selected
    symbol by typing in AG (for 'AGain')... so I don't have to go through the
    whole symbol selection thing. I can also bring back my last selected pop-up
    menu (again by typing in two characters) so I can avoid the whole pulldown
    menu selection process. Very fast indeed.

    I've been looking at Palattes to see if it is usable (for me) for my symbols.
    But it seems to lack in a lot of current features.

    My question is "Can you incorporate LISP somehow in the Palettes when
    selecting a Symbol"? (most likely not)

    The other thing I've found is that even though I have PROMPT FOR ROTATION
    enabled for a symbol, I am "not" prompted for the rotation... and the symbol
    simply gets inserted.

    Any thoughts appreciated.

    Mr. B, May 30, 2007
  2. Mr. B

    Mr. B Guest

    Over 500 of them :)
    Where would that be coded into? I'm a fast typist :)
    Well... the question is (in my mind) Are the Palettes "THE" way to go? Can
    they do what I can do now just as easily and efficiently? Right now it
    doesn't seem so.

    I don't really want to change unless I absoluetly had to. I'm just trying to
    see IF the palettes are of any good for me.


    Mr. B, May 31, 2007
  3. Mr. B

    Chip Harper Guest

    Basic answer to your question is yes. You can call a lisp routine from a
    tool palette the same as you could from a pull down menu. The power of Tool
    Palettes varies with the version of AutoCAD that you have. 2004 introduced
    Toll Palettes and lacked many of the extras that later versions have.

    Personally I use both the pull downs and Palettes. I prefer to use pull
    downs for large block libraries because of the cascading selection feture.
    Chip Harper, May 31, 2007
  4. Mr. B

    Mr. B Guest

    So my bottom line is Yes it can be done... but depends on the Cad version.

    Okay... so am I guessing correctly that the more later Cad versions will have
    additional options in the Property to include the LISP, etc? Just currious.


    Mr. B, May 31, 2007
  5. Mr. B

    gisvoice Guest

    (defun c:sybolblock()(command "-insert" "symbolblock" pause "" "" ""))
    put blockname in "symbolblock" and use a short word and place that
    block in programmme files.
    you may get so much info in


    gisvoice, Jun 1, 2007
  6. Mr. B

    Guest Guest

    Mr. B,
    Would you be kind enough to direct em to an info source where I can
    implement this kind of thinking? I am so tired of the info management
    in cad and need the computer to eliminate tedious drawing while doing
    it to my standards. Like your soldiers: I would like to have a fatter
    pen on the top outline, an even fatter pen for the lower shadow line
    and a grayscale line for the actual coursing. I have to manually do
    this now and have been doing this for years. (sheepishly). I have acad
    2000i on xp pro and am migrating into it. Like I mentioned, I have
    been on another cad for wuite a while. I am also using other vendors
    programs, like SU, and find acad is the most stable file processer I
    have used. I just wish I had stayed in acad years ago when my cad
    adventure started.
    My cad vendor cant seem to get this, I have to make a different block
    for any symbol that has text in it or else the text rotates with the
    block. Very messy looking unless I create an block with correctly
    rotated text, yada,yada..;..

    Your advice is appreciated.
    p.s. I had to change my group user email, I got slammed by spammers 2
    days ago.
    Guest, Jun 2, 2007
  7. my last post was actually to Roy, sorry ...
    WildWhiteNocho, Jun 2, 2007
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