can I unload or reload a file after i have "loadi()" it and thenchange it?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by liduanliang, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. liduanliang

    liduanliang Guest

    I am debugging a program written in skill. Once I loadi("") in
    icfb, I only can close my icfb to unload the test program. Are there
    any other ways to avoid closing icfb but to unload or reload my test
    program after I correct some mistakes? thank you ~
    liduanliang, Mar 21, 2009
  2. You should (unless you've turned on write protection with
    sstatus(writeProtect t) just be able to load the file again.

    You can undefine specific functions by doing:

    putd('funcName nil)

    and undefine variables by doing:


    Note that the first of these won't work if the function is write protected (i.e.
    if it was first defined with writeProtect turned on.

    You an also use:

    sstatus(debugMode t)

    and then you can load the code again even if the functions were defined with
    writeProtect turned on.


    Andrew Beckett, Mar 22, 2009
  3. liduanliang

    OV0VO Guest

    This is great! I also learned something from this. Just popping up to
    express my appreciation, instead of remaining one of the silent masses.
    OV0VO, Mar 26, 2009
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