Hello all, Anyone know how to create a timer in VBA to execute codes periodically. Best regards.
Stanley, Search before you ask next time. http://discussion.autodesk.com/thread.jspa?messageID=406168
Hello ClementZheng, Thanks for your advice. I've done a search. There are 2 methods available. 1. Use a Timer Control dll / ocx. But I can't do this because its hard to distribute the control to other machine. 2. Use Windows SetTimer API. I've tried this method. But it cause serious problem, after a few trial run it cause AutoCad to terminate without any warning. Will you give a robust method to do this? Regards.
perhaps it's a stupid suggestion; why not to call your_function every, say, 1000 commands with some event like AcadDocument_EndCommand and a counter, or everytime you have just saved with AcadDocument_EndSave (you can set Automatic Save programmatically with .AutoSaveInterval)
Stanley, If you like, you might also register an ActiveX control or DLL programmatically. Programmatically register an ActiveX control or DLL All ActiveX DLL or OCX export two functions: DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer. They are used to register and unregister the ActiveX in the Windows registry, and are usually invoked from regsvr32.exe at registration time. However, you can register and unregister these files programmatically whenever you want to, provided that you know the name of the DLL or OCX at compile time. All you have to do is prepare two aliased functions, as in the following example, that shows how to register and unregister the COMCTL32.OCX file: 'function to call to register the ActiveX Private Declare Function RegComCtl32 Lib "COMCTL32.OCX" Alias _ "DllRegisterServer" () As Long ' function to call to unregister the ActiveX Private Declare Function UnRegComCtl32 Lib "COMCTL32.OCX" Alias _ "DllUnregisterServer" () As Long Const ERROR_SUCCESS = &H0 Note that the two functions work only if the DLL is in the system path or in the current directory. Therefore, if you want to register a DLL located elsewhere on your hard disk, you must use ChDrive and ChDir commands to make that directory the current one. For example, say that the you have a Test.DLL file in the C:\MyApp directory. Here's the code you need to register it: Private Declare Function RegisterTestDLL Lib "Test.Dll" Alias _ "DllRegisterServer" () As Long Dim retCode As Long On Error Resume Next ' move to the DLL's directory ChDrive "C:" ChDir "C:\MyApp" ' register the DLL retCode = RegisterTestDLL() If Err <> 0 Then ' probably the DLL isn't there MsgBox "Unable to find the Test.Dll file" ElseIf retCode <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then ' the registration run and failed MsgBox "Registration failed" End If
Not an option since this is vba and the Timer control is not legally redistributable - that's why he is having problems [re-read your EULA]. -- Mike ___________________________ Mike Tuersley CADalyst's CAD Clinic Rand IMAGINiT Technologies ___________________________ the trick is to realize that there is no spoon...
Of course not the Microsoft TIMER CONTROL . He might also write such a control by himself or find some 3rd party free control.
control. This timer ocx is a few years old but should still work. Its free and was intended to replace Microsoft's Timer Control. http://ccrp.mvps.org/index.html?controls/ccrptimer6.htm