Can I put some pictures into virtuoso and use as logo?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by zhongshq, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. zhongshq

    zhongshq Guest


    Is there any way to let Virtuoso input picture(like png, jpg format or
    vector format) and output GDS format file? I was asked to use a
    picture as logo in GDS.

    zhongshq, Oct 31, 2008
  2. zhongshq

    Bernd Paysan Guest

    I don't know any way with Virtuoso, but some years ago I've written a tool
    to create GDS files from pbm files (it uses an in-house tool that converts
    text formatted GDS to binary GDS, so it's not ready to post). You could
    probably use the same technique to create a skill script that places
    rectangles where the pixels have been in the pbm file.
    Bernd Paysan, Oct 31, 2008
  3. What do you mean by "use a picture as logo in GDS"?

    Marius.Cerlinca, Oct 31, 2008
  4. zhongshq

    zhongshq Guest

    We have a company logo which format is jpg, and our boss want this
    logo appear on top metal layer.
    zhongshq, Oct 31, 2008
  5. zhongshq

    Marc Heise Guest

    Marc Heise, Oct 31, 2008
  6. zhongshq

    zhongshq Guest

    zhongshq, Nov 1, 2008
  7. zhongshq

    Riad KACED Guest

    Giving the link to it would be fair enough I would have thought ...

    Riad KACED, Nov 2, 2008
  8. zhongshq

    danmc Guest

    google for 'xchiplogo'. You'll get a CIF file so you'll need a CIF
    in license probably.
    danmc, Nov 11, 2008
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