Can I make a 3D SWX part from this?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Flynt, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Flynt

    Flynt Guest


    I did a search for previous posts but none clarified the answer
    sufficiently so here it goes again:
    I have recieved a dxf file of an assembly. Opening it with the DWG
    editor I can see the assembly and in fact it is obviously in 3D as I
    can see different elevations and rotate the part on screen. What is
    the best way of producing a SolidWorks 3D part from it? I tried just
    opening the file and my PC went quiet on me while it ran at 100% on
    the CPU for half an hour then SWX crashed.

    Was I doing the right thing? Can I try something else?

    Flynt, Sep 24, 2007
  2. Flynt

    Jean Marc Guest

    Just a guess: I suppose SW would see it as a bunch of 3D lines. No chance in
    my opinion to directly turn in into a solid.
    Jean Marc, Sep 24, 2007
  3. Flynt

    Flynt Guest

    Tried that with some success! Thanks. The only trouble is that the
    drawing in DWGEditor is complete but the SWX model derived in the
    manner you describe has some parts missing. They are not listed in the
    tree but are major, complicated parts. I wonder why they don't show?

    In addition, the 100+ parts are not mated and easily fly apart. I
    guess the way to deal with that is to fix each part in the tree?

    Flynt, Sep 25, 2007
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