Can I get list of layers without opening drawing?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by spykat, Jul 1, 2004.

  1. spykat

    spykat Guest

    I have a situation where I need know what layers are in a drawing to know which one to open. As is I go through a dozen drawings to find the one I need. I know how to get a list from the current drawings but how do I get a list from a drawing I haven't opened yet?
    spykat, Jul 1, 2004
  2. AutoCAD Design Center

    AutoCAD based Security Planning Solutions:

    dozen drawings to find the one I need. I know how to get a list from the current drawings but how do I get a list from a
    drawing I haven't opened yet?
    Tony Tanzillo, Jul 1, 2004
  3. spykat

    spykat Guest

    I don't think this will work for me. What I need is code to read layer names from a drawing that hasn't been opened yet and save it to a variable so I can manipulate it.
    spykat, Jul 1, 2004
  4. spykat

    spykat Guest

    I've been programming with autolisp since the 80's and I've only used a little visual lisp that I've cut-n-pasted from others so I need help with the actual code. I know what I need to do but not how to do it.
    I looked at the "Setting an attribute value in an unopened drawing" thread and I think that is the direction I need to go but I need help with the "; do your stuff here" part.
    spykat, Jul 1, 2004
  5. spykat

    ECCAD Guest

    Why don't you take a swag at it, and post code..someone can fill-in the blanks..

    ECCAD, Jul 1, 2004
  6. spykat

    spykat Guest

    Because it looks like I would have to use ObjectDBX and I don't know the first thing about it.
    spykat, Jul 1, 2004
  7. spykat

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    If you browse over to
    there is a thread that shows how to get views from one un-opened drawing to
    the current one. In that thread is also the sample code to use to extract
    the layers, blocks, textstyles.


    little visual lisp that I've cut-n-pasted from others so I need help with
    the actual code. I know what I need to do but not how to do it.
    and I think that is the direction I need to go but I need help with the ";
    do your stuff here" part.
    Jeff Mishler, Jul 1, 2004
  8. spykat

    ECCAD Guest

    1st time to cadvault (believe it or not). LOTS of good stuff in there. !!


    ECCAD, Jul 1, 2004
  9. Tony Tanzillo, Jul 1, 2004
  10. spykat

    spykat Guest

    Thanks Jeff. That looks just like what the doctor ordered!
    spykat, Jul 1, 2004
  11. spykat

    BTO Guest

    hi and thx...
    BTO, Jul 6, 2004
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