Can Feature Names be linked to a Dim Value in that feature?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SolidBug, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. SolidBug

    SolidBug Guest

    Hi All,
    Working with many ref geometry features, especially planes, is there
    any way to link a Feature Name to a Dim Value within that Feature?
    An example would be a plane defined at a distance of 10" from the Std
    Top Plane. Instead of seeing "Plane 1" for the name, can I set it to
    show " 10" "? I don't need the word 'plane' since the icon is there.
    My planes change constantly during the design process, and renaming
    hunderds of planes would take too long.
    Thanks for any help!
    Dan B in Ohio
    SolidBug, Mar 15, 2006
  2. SolidBug

    SolidBug Guest

    Thanks Keith,
    I should clarify, I want to define the plane as I normally would.
    Using the same example...a parallel plane define above the Standard SW
    Top Plane by 10". The dim value is entered in the Feature Manager, and
    becomes Plane1 in the tree.
    Once completed, I'd like to rename the Plane1 in the tree to the value
    used to define the plane. In this case, 10, or 10". I know I can
    manually do this. However, I want it linked, since I have hundreds of
    planes, many of which will change their defined values durign the
    design process. There's just too much opportuntiy for human error with
    manual renaming.
    SolidBug, Mar 15, 2006
  3. SolidBug

    SolidBug Guest

    Yes, I absolutely want the Feature Name value to change if I change the
    Feature Dimension Value, and your answer was my suspicion...Thanks.
    SolidBug, Mar 15, 2006
  4. SolidBug

    TOP Guest

    You might have a problem if SW allowed this because all feature names
    must be unique. If two features were named by dimension and the dims
    happened to be the same there would be a problem. However, a macro
    feature might be able to rename a given feature.
    TOP, Mar 16, 2006
  5. SolidBug

    JohanLingen Guest

    To prevent that specific problem, use the API topic
    JohanLingen, Mar 16, 2006
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