Can External References Be Deleted at Some Point When Working In-context

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by thedge000, May 1, 2007.

  1. thedge000

    thedge000 Guest

    Is it possible to delete the external reference when you are done so
    you have a stane-alone part, if your are using a layout sketch in an
    assembly or referencing another component in an assembly? I realize
    you would have to re-dimension or constrain the component you are
    creating in-context to replace the lost references.
    thedge000, May 1, 2007
  2. thedge000

    TOP Guest


    1. In sketch use Display relations to find them
    2. Make sure the sketch plane is local to the part
    3. In the assembly remove the inplace mate.

    For the most part that will get them. You will of course have to
    redimension and make sure relations are replaced.
    TOP, May 1, 2007
  3. thedge000

    Brian Guest

    I am going from memory here, so the exact sequence may be off a bit.
    Seems that from a part/assy file containing external references that you
    want rid of, you can "list external references". Then there is an option to
    "break all", or break individual ones. Once broken, the reference is
    removed and the associated entity becomes essentially fixed in place. Might
    be exactly what you are looking to do.
    Brian, May 1, 2007
  4. thedge000

    TOP Guest

    Breaking has a down side. It's like pulling off a tick and leaving the
    head buried. There will still be information in the reference parts
    that can't be gotten rid of.

    Removing them at the source (sketches and sketch planes usually) is
    the most robust. There are external references from hell, like cutting
    planes from one part used to cut another part. Many times in those
    cases using the List External Reference tool can be used to lock the
    references which is probably what you want to do anyway in those

    Also, with external references you have to be very careful about how
    you save assemblies. If you don't use copy you can lose the references
    when renaming.

    TOP, May 2, 2007
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