Can cadence do VHDL?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by gthorpe, Jun 30, 2005.

  1. gthorpe

    gthorpe Guest


    Sorry to ask such a basic question, but the documentation on-site is not very
    clear on something this general. I know Cadence includes a verilog compiler
    and related synthesis tools, but does it have a VHDL compiler and related tools?

    I just need to know what (if any) they are called etc.
    gthorpe, Jun 30, 2005
  2. Normally somebody at your side should be able to answer
    this question.

    In general yes Cadence has tools for VHDL.
    The simulator is called NCSIM and the synthesis tool
    does not care about which HDL to synthesise.
    This is true for I think all commercial synthesis tools

    For more basic info follow think link:

    Bernd Fischer, Jul 1, 2005
  3. gthorpe

    gthorpe Guest

    I could have tried google I guess.
    It seems to simulate the library which would be produced by a compiler: would
    you know what the VHDL compiler is? I recall 'icds' can load VHDL files as
    designs... as you can tell I don't know what THE tool to use is. There is a
    'verilog' that can compile VErilog source files, what is the equivalent for
    VHDL (if any)?
    gthorpe, Jul 1, 2005
  4. There are two options the first one is the IUS suite I pointed to you.
    I'm not an expert for digital, but the tools consists of an elaborator,
    compiler and simulator. I think bundled in a command called 'ncsim'.

    The second option is what you called 'icds' the Cadence Design Framework
    it is more a tool for doing analog design, but the is a HDL simulator
    'Verilog-XL' included and the is a 'VHDL Toolbox'.

    Sorry I don't have more detailed information because we are doing strict
    Verilog at our side and your first question seems to me
    more general.

    Bernd Fischer, Jul 4, 2005
  5. The compilation is done with "ncvhdl" (as opposed to "ncvlog"), and then
    elaboration with "ncelab", and simulation with "ncsim".

    In (much) older releases there was the leapfrog simulation, which used cv to
    compile the vhdl. Vhdl-in in DFII still uses cv to do its compilation
    (unfortunately) in order to be able to parse the VHDL code.


    Andrew Beckett, Jul 4, 2005
  6. gthorpe

    gthorpe Guest

    Thanks for everyone's response. One further question: is it possible to
    run a simulation with input taken from standard input (a pipe) or a named
    pipe (FIFO in file system)? I was able to do the latter with another simulator,
    but it seems 'ncsim' will not do either. (These are running on a Solaris host.)

    For example, endfile(input) seems to always return true (event before any
    input is read). Using a FIFO, endfile() is interrupted with a file I/O error
    that the file cannot be opened for reading (it looks like the end of file is
    reached but it is not processing this fact).

    The original input files will be too big to fit in my allotted disk space, so
    this is a major problem (using pipe/FIFO allows them to be uncompressed on the
    gthorpe, Jul 11, 2005
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