Can anyone help? can't freeze xref layers in ldd2

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Cadguy, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. Cadguy

    Cadguy Guest

    Hey people, hopefully someone can help us. We recently upgraded our
    computers at work. We have 3 pc's running Land Development Desktop 2i
    (Autocad 2000). One computer is used as a server and all the job files
    are stored on that pc. The other 2 are connected to the server and all
    3 pc's have Ldd2i installed identically on them.
    Anyway, our problem is that when anyone is using the SERVER pc AND
    using 'xrefs' they can't freeze the layers, although they can turn
    them on and off. However, when working on the same job on either of
    the other 2 pc's, they can freeze the layers. We tried unsuccessfully
    for hours to try to find a setting to correct this situation on the
    server pc. My boss suggested that I re-install all the software on the
    server, however, I'm fairly certain I set all 3 pc's up exactly the
    same. Has anyone experienced this problem, or does anyone know of how
    to get the server pc to freeze layers when using xrefs? Any help would
    be greatly appreciated. Thank you - John Leonardi
    Cadguy, Sep 1, 2004
  2. Cadguy

    Steve Wells Guest

    One thing to check.... under Options > Open and Save > External References >
    Demand Load Xrefs set the option of enabled with copy, and check both other
    boxes. That has caused some havoc here with sharing Xrefs across a network.
    Steve Wells, Sep 1, 2004
  3. Cadguy

    Cadguy Guest

    thanks steve, it was already set up that way though. my boss says it
    was working fine up until a couple weeks ago, and then it just didn't
    work anymore :( figures it would happen right after autodesk drops
    support for 2000 :( anyway, thanks for the suggestion :)
    Cadguy, Sep 3, 2004
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