can a sager 8790 with ati 9700 256meg mobility run solidworks...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Asmodeus, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Guest

    well, i'm in the market for a laptop and i've found two that may fit
    my needs... the first one is an hp zd7000 and the second one is a
    sager 8790... the zd7000 comes with an nvidia go5700 128meg video
    system and the sager 8790 comes with a mobility 9700 256meg video

    now, i know that nvidia and solidworks working together is a
    no-brainer, but i've personally never experienced the use of a radeon
    or any ati video card for 3d apps like solidworks...

    so my question is, can anyone let me know if the mobility 9700 can run
    solidworks or any other 3d app...? thanks for any advice...
    Asmodeus, Apr 29, 2004
  2. Asmodeus

    MM Guest


    There are screen refresh problems with this card. I would imagine the laptop
    chipset is the same. There are currently no drivers available to fix it. ATI
    doesn't have a very good reputation with drivers.

    MM, Apr 29, 2004
  3. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Guest

    that's a bummer... well, looks like i'm going with the zd7000...
    thanks for the tip...
    Asmodeus, Apr 30, 2004
  4. Asmodeus

    cadishaq Guest

    ATI = poop for cad
    cadishaq, May 1, 2004
  5. Asmodeus

    GT Guest

    The current Dell heavy duty Notebooks come with the ATI Radeon 9700,
    and you must buy Intel with that. HP's #2 and #3 come with Radeon 9X00
    (#1 and #4 with various GeForce) with a mixture of Intel and Athlon
    64. On April 14th, Richard M posted that his Athlon 64 eMachine
    (Radeon 9600 or 9700) ran OK, with the common multi-window-slowdown
    complaint only.

    Given that the Radeon 9X00 opens so many more Notebook PC options (at
    lower cost) it would be nice to hear more people's experience with
    this graphics board in a Notebook, if there are any. SolidWorks and
    nVidea have some kind of sweetheart deal going, so I'm not surprised
    that testing of the Radeon 9X00 series is 10 months dormant.

    I currently use the ATI Fire GL4 128 MB in my workstation, and has
    been great. I did update the driver the day I first booted up the
    machine 4/14/2003 and applied the SoldiWorks profile.

    GT, May 25, 2004
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