Can a projected sketch curve be extruded?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by njchen24, Apr 24, 2005.

  1. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest


    I have created a part (it's a label) in assembly mode using projected
    sketch curve onto a cylinder. It consists of a rectangular profile
    with Title, Model #, P/N using WF1 build 2003410 default "font". Is it
    possible to protrude this projected sketch to a depth of .05" away from
    the projected surface?

    Your suggestion and help is greatly appreciated.

    njchen24, Apr 24, 2005
  2. njchen24

    Jeff Howard Guest

    From a PTC Suggested Technique (can I do this without attracting the
    attention of legal eagles?):

    "Create an offset feature by pre-selecting the side surface of the cylinder
    as shown in Figure 3. Pick Edit > Offset. In the dashboard, change the
    offset type from Standard to Expand. Click Options from the dashboard, and
    pick Sketched Region and set the Side surface type to Normal to surface. A
    Sketch collector then appears in the dashboard. Pick the Create a section
    icon and select the offset datum plane created in Step 1 as the sketching
    plane. In Sketcher, Sketch > Edge > Use > Loop and pick each datum curve
    letter created in Step 2. Once all letters have been selected, click Sketch
    material side icon to change the direction of the offset. This determines
    if the text will be cut into the cylinder or extruded out from the

    Think that's enough to get you started. If you look at the Offset Surface
    in Help, it gives you a rundown on the various options. (I'd guess that if
    you search sites like there are examples that you can

    Jeff Howard, Apr 24, 2005
  3. njchen24

    David Janes Guest

    When I've done this before (pre-WF), I didn't first project or wrap the text
    curves onto a surface. I'm not sure what difference it would have made if I'd
    first taken this additional step. But, because the surface the text was offset
    from was only mildly curvy, putting the text on a plane, then kind of copying the
    text to the surface and simultaneously offsetting it worked fine. My question is
    this: do the curves need to be projected/wrapped first? is it a problem if they're
    already projected onto the surface?

    David Janes
    David Janes, Apr 25, 2005
  4. njchen24

    Jeff Howard Guest

    My question is this: do the curves need to be
    A planar sketch is required for the feature, but if need be (the text will
    be distorted by the projection) you can first Wrap the text then project
    those curves back to the Offset feature internal sketch (Use Edge, Loop).
    Jeff Howard, Apr 25, 2005
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